
to shield or not to shield

TJD said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
If shielding a humbucking guitar with hum mounted to metal plate (most are), with leads traveling through shielded cable (most are), with grounds soldered to chassis of pots (most are), the only unprotected areas are the small pickup hot leads were it emerges from the sheilded cable and terminates on the pot and the capacitor on the tone pot, which is grounded on one end.  So basically, shielding only protects the small area of un-shielded pickup lead and humbucker coils if uncovered.

On a single coil, no amount of sheilding will ever make them not hum.  It may keep them from humming more than normal, such as when near a Neon sign in a bar.

MY single coils don't hum... :laughing7:

on bill lawrences website there used to be some talk about different posible telecaster bridge materials, i think it has been removed but he said if a telecaster had an aluminum bridge that was 1/2inch thick you would lose 60% output due to eddy currents but the pickup would be entirely noise free.
I have used shielding and it made a difference to the Telecaster I was using at the time.  It appears to me that shielding is a logical thing to do - most electronic circuits utilise some form of shielding.  Humbuckers by their nature introduce noise reduction, however single coil pups need all the help they can get.  This website supports this argument: http://www.catalinaguitars.com/guitar_shielding.htm
I've got the (old) Fender Vintage Noiseless pups, which are also stacked humbuckers in a singlecoil disguise. 
I shielded anways, 'cause I play whilst sitting at my computer and, at least with the stock pups, my old CRT would interfere as would my watch if the gain was up enough (i wear my watch on my right hand)
AutoBat said:
I've got the (old) Fender Vintage Noiseless pups, which are also stacked humbuckers in a singlecoil disguise. 
I shielded anways, 'cause I play whilst sitting at my computer and, at least with the stock pups, my old CRT would interfere as would my watch if the gain was up enough (i wear my watch on my right hand)

yeah but the interference needs to see both coils. i mean sheilding the cavity is fine but give the pickups just a bit of space it you do the whole pickguard.