
to modify the neck pocket or the neck heel?


Hero Member
So I'm just wondering what people's thoughts on this are. I've been planning my next build in the back of my mind for over a year now. It may or may not happen some time soon, there are many variables involving gear being bought and sold...
but anyhow, the thing is that I want to build a jazzmaster with a tele headstock. So my question is, should I get a body routed for the tele heel and stick with a normal tele neck (I'll probably go showcase, as there are two 1-piece indian rosewood necks in there now  :blob7:) or should I get a body routed normally and get a tele neck with a strat heel? Does it make any difference? Is the only thing I have to consider resale value? The more I think about it, the more it boggles my mind that there would ever be two different shapes in the first place. What the heck's the point?
tele neck doesn't fit stratpocket

stratneck does fit tele-pocket.

so... if you're going with the good 'ol tele neck and tele pocket, and 22 frets (those will cover the gap of a stratneck-heel in a tele-pocket, if you ever decide to go that route), you'll be safe :P

at least, thats my idea of the matter.
Actually, there are like six one-piece Rosewood Tele necks in the showcase. :blob7:

I would go with the Tele pocket and a Tele neck, in this case.

Also, the reason for the different shapes, as usual, is "that's how Leo did it, so it can't be changed." :dontknow:
Do the Tele neck with a Strat heel. That way, if you ever regain your sanity and want to put an attractive neck on that body, you'll have a huge number of candidates available <grin>

As for the heel differences? Back 100 years ago when these things were designed, I doubt there were any "Lego Block" design considerations, where everything worked with everything else. Teles were Teles and Strats were Strats and so on.
warmoth offers these necks as replacement parts, primarily. so they have to fit the respective guitar.

that we are so nuts that we make entire GUITARS out of it, is our problem ;)
line6man said:
Actually, there are like six one-piece Rosewood Tele necks in the showcase. :blob7:

My bad. My vision is selective - I only see the '59 profile necks with 11/16" nut. I don't even look at anything else since i saved those search parameters.

and you have a point. Nobody would see the gap if it was routed for a tele neck and I switched to a strat neck. and then I wouldn't be damaging the resale value of a 1-piece rosewood neck - the part that I'm more likely to be replacing than the body.

I also considered that i might see a strat neck pop up in the showcase and i could get the headstock cut down. but i think they told me that was a $45 upcharge last I checked. which seems a little high... but maybe not. i don't know if they can CNC that after the neck's pretty much done. I wonder if altering the neck pocket of a showcase body is cheaper
Cagey said:
As for the heel differences? Back 100 years ago when these things were designed, I doubt there were any "Lego Block" design considerations, where everything worked with everything else. Teles were Teles and Strats were Strats and so on.

True. But what surprises me is that nowhere along the line in modernity did anyone at Fender think it might be a good idea to standardize these things moving forward.
dNA said:
Cagey said:
As for the heel differences? Back 100 years ago when these things were designed, I doubt there were any "Lego Block" design considerations, where everything worked with everything else. Teles were Teles and Strats were Strats and so on.

True. But what surprises me is that nowhere along the line in modernity did anyone at Fender think it might be a good idea to standardize these things moving forward.

...especially since most of Leo's ideas and decisions were motivated by keeping costs as low as possible.