
Titanium Saddles


Senior Member
anyone ever tried the titainium saddles, string ferrules.....etc. They cost quite and I'd like to find an actual A/B comparison of the two. Just curious
Yes I have used them. I used the DeTemple ones and did not like them. I replaced them with vintage style saddles like the ones Retrospec sells.

I gave them to another very tone consciences friend and he did not like them either, they are too brittle. He did an A/B of them against Fender and Callaham and went with the Callaham.  I still use DeTemple Titanium Blocks on my trems though; they are real nice and I feel live up to the hype.
For ferrules, I think the only ones that can tell a difference are the ones selling them.  I think that no more matters than the material of your tuning buttons.
I played a titanium floyd & it was aweful. it makes the guitar very bright & brittle sounding. Just too harsh for my tastes. Add in the silly asking price & it's a fad that will only appeal to gear sluts.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
no more matters than the material of your tuning buttons.

What? you mean?!  Arrrgh.  Back to the drawing board. Dangit and I already bought the body and trem...

If only talking ferrules, Glendale has cornered the market as far as different materials and Ed Roman diarhea of the mouth reasoning.  He is local guy here, and a hell of player at that, but the more I ask around, I meet people who know him and they say he is a real space cadet.  However, I know another local guy that is a business out of the garage boutique pickup maker.  He seems to have a good handle on things and knows that there are boutique minded people out there that insist on weird end-all-be-all preferences.  While he thinks a lot of it is made up in that gray matter between the ears, he's more than happy to sell them exactly what they want, i.e. one piece bodies, nitro finishes et al.
The more I actually try boutique gear & read about it, the more I am convinced that it's 80% BS, hype & folklore.

Is a Tom Holmes PAF worth $800? Is it THAT much better than a Lollar, Fralin or even the Dimarzio 36th Anniversary PAFs?

I think the buyer just wants to make himself believe he has usprior tone over those peons who buy regular old PAFs for $60.
Doughboy said:
The more I actually try boutique gear & read about it, the more I am convinced that it's 80% BS, hype & folklore.

Is a Tom Holmes PAF worth $800? Is it THAT much better than a Lollar, Fralin or even the Dimarzio 36th Anniversary PAFs?

I think the buyer just wants to make himself believe he has usprior tone over those peons who buy regular old PAFs for $60.

I really wish there was a way to do some real, blind sound testing with this stuff online. I have a feeling even the snobbiest of ears wouldn't be able to tell a Holmes from a Duncan.
Disco Scottie said:
Doughboy said:
The more I actually try boutique gear & read about it, the more I am convinced that it's 80% BS, hype & folklore.

Is a Tom Holmes PAF worth $800? Is it THAT much better than a Lollar, Fralin or even the Dimarzio 36th Anniversary PAFs?

I think the buyer just wants to make himself believe he has usprior tone over those peons who buy regular old PAFs for $60.

I really wish there was a way to do some real, blind sound testing with this stuff online. I have a feeling even the snobbiest of ears wouldn't be able to tell a Holmes from a Duncan.
+1 on this
It's not BS, it's ahh 'distinguishing your product'. I happen to think that separating conspicuous consumers from excess money is a noble calling if done honestly.
nice to get some feedback and my thoughts of them being to "bright" or "brittle" was right. I'm planning on using the Graph Tech Acousti-Phonic saddles for my next build (non-MIDI).....don't even think I'm going to have a bridge pickup, at least not yet. I was looking at different saddle materials and came across the titanium and for the price they are asking they better liven up a wet 2x4
scartozi said:
I was looking at different saddle materials and came across the titanium and for the price they are asking they better liven up a wet 2x4

Hehe! Yeah, no kidding. But, I understand they're a real pain in the shorts to machine, so I'm not sure they're trying to gouge anyone. Much.
I'm sure they are harder to machine and therefore cost more but it's an expesive "sure I'll try them out". A set of vintage steel, aluminum or graph tech saddles fall into the "sure I'll try'em out" category. Think I'll check for videos on youtube for an A/B comparison.