
Tinting options


Junior Member
Hello all
So I'm getting a neck or two from Warmoth. One is a 1 piece maple. Now I dont want to tint it yellow but I want a bit of the absolute maple whiteness gone. So, I've been thinking about a few options. My topcoats will be 2K auto.

1.Get some Colortone amber from Stewmac and wipe or brush it on prior to spraying clear.
2.Spray a sealer coat or two of shellac. I understand that adds a bit of an amber tint. Will the topcoat over the shellac be OK?
3.Spray a coat or two of clear 2K as a sealer.and then add a toner of sorts to the clear 2K and give 3 or 4 coats.

Are there any other options eg. gel stain? Directions please.

Cheers - Ed
Actually you're better off tinting some 2K or other clearcoat using the Stewmac dyes, and do very light coats until you have the level of color you want; then spray untinted clearcoats on top of that.  This will preserve the tinted coat longer.  I'm pretty sure there's some threads where Tonar addresses this.

Separately, you could also tint some Tru-oil, or just use un-tinted Tru-oil, which takes the white maple glare down a little by itself.
Thanks Bagman,
Yes on the Stewmac site they reckon the dyes mix with clearcoats. I'm guessing that this includes the 2K as well. And so far I've been thinking this would be the most hassle free route to take.

But the Tru-oil is availabel locally so that is also an option. But I havent heard of anyone tinting Tru-oil before. I'll test a bit with scrap.
You can seal it first then spray tint coats over. This gives you the option to change color/intensity without the color sinking into the wood .
moobox said:
But the Tru-oil is availabel locally so that is also an option. But I havent heard of anyone tinting Tru-oil before. I'll test a bit with scrap.

Seems like I read somewhere that you don't tint the oil, but the reducer, which I think can be either mineral spirits or turpentine. Then, you mix the reducer into the oil. But, you may want to Google that a bit.