Well, I'm glad The One is making somebody happy. Things get much worse here, and he's gonna find out what 300 million people can do with a billion guns. The official unemployment rate is 9.2%, but the actual number is probably closer to 20%. They don't count unemployed people who've given up looking for jobs or can't collect unemployment insurance any more, which keeps the number artificially low and is a huge section of the population. Since the housing market got destroyed and is continuing to drop, the inflation number is being artificially held up, so things look good on paper in that regard, but in reality the cost of goods are going up and the value of the dollar is going down, yet he wants to print more money and dilute the supply some more, even as entitlement costs are skyrocketing.
Just. Plain. Stupid.
A first year economics major - hell, most high-school students - could tell you we're doomed to failure. When your indebtedness is so high that your income won't cover it and you have to borrow money just to pay the interest, and your money is so worthless that the prime rate is hovering around 0%, you know you're in deep, meaningful sheep dip. It's a snake eating its tail.
So, get while the gettin's good. This can't last. Eventually, Warmoth has to replenish their materials stock, and most of the woods they use have to be imported. That means their prices are going to have to go up, since their suppliers aren't going to take scrip.