Oh cmon it's all the same company, probably the same factory, they just have the younger kids doing the Rondo / SX and the teenagers working on the Agiles.
Here's the issue: as touched on by hbom, there are Epiphones, Ibani, Gibsons and Fenders, and any and all sorts of different brands made in - whatever factory the maker has contracted with for the best price. China, Philippines, Korea, Japan... The Epiphone 'dots' have been made in at least three different countries, who knows how many factories within each one. There is no "Michael Kelly" working at "Micheal Kelly" guitars, they just want you to picture Mike down in the basement tap-tuning yer top...
Stories are rife throughout guitarland of a particular run or factory version of a certain guitar being really fab, then when they got popular the maker had to move it to a crappier factory/production line/country/continent. Like, the Japanese Fenders of the 1980's were better than American Fender of the 70's or early 90's... If you mind the tiny banjo frets the Japanese put on the "classic" Teles and Strats, they were making some cool shred Fenders too. The Matsomoku factory in Japan was famous for certain great Vantages, Westburys, Arias, Ibeni, Epiphones and others.
Just recently, the "Vintage Vibe" series of Fender Squiers were getting great press, but "the word" now is that they changed factories so, sigh, "the old ones are better." I have had two great guitars that were made in Korea in 1999, and from some similarites in how the serial number was affixed and bindings and stuff, they could've been made by the same person - one was a "DeArmond" which was a Guild imprint that Fender closed down (after they used up the bodies in a run of "Squier Select" guitars) and the other was a Schecter C-7+. And I have seem awful, and OK, recent Epiphones, Ibeni, and Squiers.
The point is - you don't know by the name or model exactly where anything was made, unless you do some basic research and do it in a way that "internet facts" don't overwhelm you. And if a guitar is good, it's good, and if it's not it isn't, and some factories will do a really good job with the frets but they're spec'd for crappy cheap tuners; hey, gee - are some pickups better than others? What I do know about Agile is that the owner of the company spends time on the seven string forum garnering desires and then goes over and makes what people ask him to, and he apparently administers quite good quality control over there too. But I don't want a 21mm imitation-Wizard neck*, especially on a hollowbody. Schecter seems to have pretty consistent oversight, Ibanez and Epiphone, less so. Which doesn't mean there aren't some great ones made somewhere, sometime - but the "Brand" is almost meaningless. You have to remember that the people making these things have never played a note in their life, and next week they may be making vacuum cleaners or snow globes or assault rifles. THEY DON'T CARE.... factory oversight and parts-quality sourcing are everything.
*(And, Doodleschnitz, STRAIGHT STRING PULL is an IMPROVEMENT - I don't CARE if big-doofus Gretch headstocks are "traditional", they SUCK. I would
buy a semi-hollow, if somebody would make an
intelligent one. Doodleschnitz.)