

I wouldn't dare.... My friend got a Bacon candy and it's used as punishment for MAJOR bad behaviors :laughing7:
I want to drink that while I eat Van Gogh's Starry Night!!!


Have products marketed for men always been so ridiculously gimmicky? My wife laughs every time we go to Walgreens and she sees how they're selling lotion for men in gun-metal gray bottles now. Have we males really become that insecure with ourselves that we can only buy things that convince us that random beautiful women will throw themselves at us when we walk down the street.....like in those AXE deodorant commercials?
What's next, bacon gravy in a dispenser that looks like a Colt .45?  Let me know if it happens, I want to place an order or...twelve  :icon_biggrin:
All that needs is a pack of Pall Malls and fifth of scotch, and you've got breakfast!
That'll work. Just tear the filters off the Marlboros. Wouldn't want anyone to think you're a Mary.
I dunno about this tea......The idea of tea having fat floating at the top of it kinda turns me off, and this is coming from someone who grew up in his grandpa's butcher shop and prides himself on having eaten nearly every part of the pig from bacon, ham and chops to pig's feet, headcheese and braunschweiger.
NonsenseTele said:
I wouldn't dare.... My friend got a Bacon candy and it's used as punishment for MAJOR bad behaviors :laughing7:

Just to show it... It stinks so MUCH that I can not even OPEN the box  :sad1:

Somehow, that just seems wrong, no matter how much bacon seems right.

Reminds me of this stuff...


Bacon-flavored mayonnaise. Makes your arteries harden just thinking about it.
I've never tried it, but then I've never tried crack, either.

Some things are just better left to the imagination <grin>
Cagey said:
Somehow, that just seems wrong, no matter how much bacon seems right.

Reminds me of this stuff...


Bacon-flavored mayonnaise. Makes your arteries harden just thinking about it.
I've never tried it, but then I've never tried crack, either.

Some things are just better left to the imagination <grin>

It can't be any worse than that Kraft Olive Oil mayo with the cracked pepper in it. The olive oil mayo itself is not bad at all, but you really have to be a pepperphile in order to really dig the new stuff with pepper already in it.

I do think my personal favorite breakfast item has to be the worst one for you--even worse than bacon:


I know its not healthy, but when cooked crispy and with a couple of overeasy eggs on it, life is good.
Well, as long as we're playing the Dietary Edition of Truth-or-Dare, I guess I have to admit that I'm also a Hormel fan...


I loves me some Spam. Fortunately for my arteries, I only succumb to my Spam jones 3 or 4 times a year. Also fortunately for me, it has a shelf life of about 7,429 years, so I always have some sitting in the cupboard waiting for my defenses to drop <grin>