The sad, lonely, neglected Warmoth Jag body...


Referring back to my Mustang post, what I would really like would be for Warmoth to stop treating regular Jaguar bodies like poor unwanted stepchildren and offer them with more routing options for trems other than the ancient jag trem, my second least favorite trem.  Also provide jag pickguards without the necessary cutouts for slide switches and the std. bridge holes. 
What kills me is that the Jazzmaster body does offer all the routing options needed for multiple trems (being old, old school I really want to use the correct vibrato term, but the youngsters here (under 50) would be confused.)  Not to mention that you can get a chambered JM as well.  I'll take a guess and say Warmoth just doesn't think many people even care about 24" scales, at least as far as building a pricey one at that. 
When I was young (when dinosaurs roamed the earth) and I had strong, nimble fingers, I never gave much to shorter scales either.  But 45 some years and all kinds of medical maladies later, a shorter scale at least lets me get a little joy out of playing without totally incapacitating pain.  Even some of the goofiest "hot rod" Warmoth bodies have more options then the poor, lonely Jag.  How many "Z" or "Star" bodies does WM sell?? Not to mention the double neck bodies?  Do the new Van Halens tap on both necks at once?  Oh, now I'm only being old and bitter so I'll quit (and apologize to all the Z, Star and doubleneck dudes.)
I cannot help with the suggestions being taken up. But at least you can select for the Jaguar pickguard either no lower switch, toggle or for the vintage switch plate hole.

I suppose the options on the different bodies are based on what is more likely to sell more regularly for that particular body type.

In terms of 24" you can also use the 7/8 Strat or Tele bodies with a 24" neck and they will intonate. Forum member Logrinn has an example of at least one of these. So that may be a way forward for getting a 24" scale with more body options.
I believe I've seen more than a few times here on the boards folks have said you can put a 24" Jag/Mustang neck on a Jazzmaster body and it will also be able to intonate properly.  I'm sure there are ways to calculate that and either prove or disprove it but I'm not that knowledgeable. 
I have several 24" guitars.

Two 7/8 Strats



A 7/8 Tele


A Mustang


and a Jaguar


so there's lot's of options for getting the guitar you might want with the type of hardware you might like.

But I'm pretty sure you can't put a 24" scale neck on a Jazzmaster and expect it to intonate.

You can put a 24.75" neck on a Jazzmaster body and it will intonate fine - but at 24" might (or likely would) be pushing it.  Of course, if you order a body not pre-drilled for the bridge, you could locate the bridge in a way that would allow at 24" neck to intonate.  That might require modifying the pickguard (if you choose to go the, direction?), and doing such a thing is much easier  with a non-trem bridge than a trem, which would require all the spring cavity routing as well.  But it is an option.  Or as Longrinn has done - just go with a 7/8 strat.  If you wanted to, you could go with an unfinished body and add a little offsetting at home.  Then you'd be the only kid on the block with one!  (I'm not kidding, by the way - this is a build idea I've been considering myself...)

I understand your interest in shorter-scale guitars - my wrist gives me trouble.  All my guitars are 25.5" - but I put together a 24.75" Jazzmaster for a friend. It turned out great and when I play it, it's much easier on my wrist and fingers.  Only going down to 24.75" and not all the way down to 24" might be a deal-breaker for you, but it also might be something to consider if you don't want to limit your choices as much.  Good luck!


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No a 24" mustang type neck will absolutely not intonate on a Jazzmaster body with a bridge in the standard position.

A 24 3/4" scale conversion neck will intonate on a Jazzmaster body.
Yes, I think so too.
I figured that getting a Mustang with a quilted maple top probably isn’t what most people think of when they think of Mustangs. Which would make it stand out a bit more seeing that it’s often considered a ”student” or ”beginners” guitar. :icon_jokercolor: