
The original custom guitar shop can't sell me a guitar??

Orpheo said:
DocNrock said:
Well said, Orpheo. 

I havent said a thing...

though I agree with ozziePete.

At warmoth's, you can get a guitar which is very custom in the sence of 'getting many options at an affordable price with high quality with high consitancy'. If what you want is not available, either work it out with a local luthier, so you can have warmoth's woods and basic body and neck with little modifications (like having a tremking instead of hipshot or kahler or wilkie), or just get the (almost) same thing done at a luthier, or just change your specs a bit so warmoth can make what you want, and still being within your own wishes and specs.

Or just look somewhere else. they're the original 'customshop' in the sence of getting replacementparts for a low price, but the name is misleading. it 'original replacementpartsshop with semi-custom characteristics', but 'original customshop' sounds better i guess :D

D'oh, my bad....

Well said, OzziePete.
dbw said:
Some guys on this board will be happy to build a guitar for you...  willyk comes to mind.  He's built about eighty Warmoths, he sells custom guitars, and he's even a lefty!


Edit: A word of warning... he's AUSTRALIAN.  So... you know.  :D
Cool guitars he's put together there......And Dan, love the avatar...... :occasion14:
Well, if you read the website Warmoth sells replacement parts due to licensing agreements. They can't make a Fender Stratocaster or Telecaster complete guitars without Fender sueing them and I don't think that's good for anyone. The reason Warmoth won't put a logo on anything other than their own (actually they don't, they sell the logo you have to put it on yourself) because they don't need someone slamming them for intellectual property violations. Assembling guitars are not that hard and if you really must have it totally custom, buy the parts and have someone build it to your specifications. Many custom builder buys parts from Warmoth.
Us lefties tend to have bad relationships with power-tools, y'know. 

He he. I know a man who would disagree.

Also power tools aren't used when ASSEMBLING a guitar from Warmoth.

You need to find a tech who will do it for you OR grow some balls and do it yourself...  :laughing7:
Ted said:
You need to find a tech who will do it for you OR grow some balls and do it yourself...  :laughing7:

ooooohhhhh.....Them's fightin' words
Ted said:
Us lefties tend to have bad relationships with power-tools, y'know. 

He he. I know a man who would disagree.

Also power tools aren't used when building a guitar from Warmoth.

You need to find a tech who will do it for you OR grow some balls and do it yourself...  :laughing7:
assembling a warmoth, or making the parts? I believe a CNC machine is still considered to be a power tool :D
Ted said:
Us lefties tend to have bad relationships with power-tools, y'know. 

He he. I know a man who would disagree.

Also power tools aren't used when building a guitar from Warmoth.

You need to find a tech who will do it for you OR grow some balls and do it yourself...  :laughing7:

No one else uses a power drill when drilling for the various screws?
DocNrock said:
No one else uses a power drill when drilling for the various screws?

Doc......you are a brave man ! ! ! !          :confused4:  :tard: 
Here a section that you may find helpful in achieving your goal.


If there is not a tech listed for your area, then post a thread asking for such information, & just be patient.  There are many people that post on this forum wether frequently or infrequently.  With a little patience, you'll find someone whom can be of assistance to you.
Thanks for the helpful replies.  I'm seriously considering diving on in.  It's not that I suck that bad with power-tools, that was just my shorthand for, "I'm a new dad with a sick baby who can't really do multi-day projects that require tools I don't have room for--even outside since the beach spray melts everything that can oxidize."  That time I took out the power cord w/ the skill saw doesn't count, and in fact I deny it when it's brought up.

JimH, you really gave me something to think about.  Now that it's a few days hence and I've gotten over the utter shock, decided all over again that I wasn't just going to go down to a local guitar shop, and thought the whole thing over, I think I'm just going to print up a bunch of this board and other resources and have a go at it in due time.  Thanks again :]

Oh, and you three who decided to take my critique personally and act like children:


. . . better go sign for it.
No offense, but the tone of your original post was less than a mild mannered critique.  That's the reason some may have responded in the manner they did.  Not saying it's right, but I don't think you came off as you may have intended. 
Lucky #7 said:
No offense, but the tone of your original post was less than a mild mannered critique.  That's the reason some may have responded in the manner they did.  Not saying it's right, but I don't think you came off as you may have intended. 

None taken, of course, but if there are such fainting flowers here that they are unable to bear someone's surprise that Warmoth could do a better job in certain PR departments, it's probably best that they stay on the internet.  I suppose the world could be a terrifying place for someone who never expects a word to the contrary.  No matter what one says or does, there will be some that get it and some that, for whatever reason, do not.  I write for brevity and clarity.  Those who see this as respectful of their time and potential ability to offer advice are on the right track.  Those who view it as not passive enough for contemporary mextrosexualist  discourse are on track as well, though unlike the first group they may need to talk it out with someone.
Good luck in your venture Dietrich. 

Please be sure to post pics of the finished project.

It's always exciting to see someone's passion for an instrument build come to fruition.
Seriously though you do not need power tools to put a Warmoth together...

Warmoth will finish everything for you and all you have to do is drill very small pilot holes. Most people use a Dremel not a power drill.

Then you just screw everthing in.

You can buy a loaded pickguard, where everything is soldered in place and pay your tech to do that for you if you cannot do it yourself.

I'm a bit surprised by the opinion that was brought forward that Warmoth do not have the right to run their own business in the way they see most fit. I for one am very happy that they did not get into building complete guitars and I seriously hope that is not going to happen anytime soon, because I am pretty certain that it would eventually cause them to pull out of the parts business - if they survive at all. I mean, there are hundreds upon hundreds of guitar builders, and Warmoth would have to struggle to position themselves somewhere among those, when right now they are the no. 1 supplier of bodies and necks (or the supplier of no. 1 bodies and necks). I fail to see where this has anything to do with a PR department screwing up. They decided on a product that they thought was potentially successful and it turned out to be highly so. If all of a sudden we all stop buying necks and bodies they will certainly rethink this, but somehow I don't think that is likely to happen just now. Most of us actualy prefer to buy our parts and put everything together the way we want it, or have somebody do it for us.
ByteFrenzy said:
I'm a bit surprised by the opinion that was brought forward that Warmoth do not have the right to run their own business in the way they see most fit.

Oh, they sure do.  Maybe you skimmed the original post.  That's alright.
. . . and yes, I'll get some photo documentation.  Should be a worthwhile story, as long as you like slapstick =].  If I do a photo slideshow, I'll be sure to put "Yakkety Sax" as background music. 

I was also pleased to learn that Kinman PU co. now sells solderless wiring harnesses.  That allays one of my primary concerns, since my soldering jobs tend to look like those of a five-year-old.