
The End of the World as I Know It - Updated 3/18

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old_metal_head said:
If anything ever happened to my hands I'd learn to play guitar with my feet.

knucklehead G said:
=CB= said:
Time to go fishin' for a carpal tunnel man....

HINT:  get a neuro guy to do it, NOT and ortho guy

FWIW, the best thing if you have a carpal tunnel problem is immobilization and lay off the typing and such... its hell on the wrist

Two doctors have said its not the right part of my wrist to be carpal tunnel, so that's positive. The second one I went to today told me the first one was crazy, that the brace they gave me was fitted right and that's what was causing my thumb to go numb, and to knock out one of the stretches because it was damaging my wrist. She also gave me some "red" (pink) "therapy putty" (which is just grown up Play-Doh) to squeeze to rebuild whatever is messed up, gave me a good deep-tissue massage and soaked my hand in hot paraffin for a while.

Combine that with 800mg of ibuprofen and some coffee and I feel pretty good right about now.

Are these medical doctors, or chiropractors? 
I'll second the recommendation and add one,
Also find a good Chiro.

Has done wonders for me.

Some of the items:
Dropped a car engine (Olds 455) on my left hand effectively ending my musical career. Severed many tendons. Got surgery. Finally got close to full motion in middle finger back 15+ years later
A couple 20 ft plus falls
a rear end accident, I was stopped, guy behind me hit me at 40-45 mph
A roll over accident
TBurst Std said:
Dropped a car engine (Olds 455) on my left hand effectively ending my musical career. Severed many tendons. Got surgery. Finally got close to full motion in middle finger back 15+ years later

I agree with the sports medicine doctor. When Travis Barker was in that plane crash and needed surgery to get the feeling back in his hand he went to the best sports surgeon he could find. Now Blink 182 is back together and all is well!
mayfly said:
TBurst Std said:
Dropped a car engine (Olds 455) on my left hand effectively ending my musical career. Severed many tendons. Got surgery. Finally got close to full motion in middle finger back 15+ years later


Tell me about it. I was in my final years of college, playing 6 nights a week and making 48K playing. So no college loans:) Was helping a friend with an engine. Was in the back of a pickup. his other friend with the engine hoist didn;t show up. I needed to go and got the bright idea of using a sheet of plywood to allow the engine to slide out of the truck.
Opps plywood slipped with engine ontop landing on my left hand.
Was a major issue for years. Went through depression about not being able to play, losing employment, etc. Didn;t play much for years.
I've been discharged from therapy and I'm weening off the wrist brace, so I'm doing somewhat better now. I tell you, though, this Varigrip thing I got has done more for my wrist than anything the physical therapist did.