
Thank Heavens for the Guitar!


Junior Member
Board members,
I'm relatively new here - I built the trans-blue tele about a year ago and posted the results here. I've been somewhat more active recently.

Quick background on me - grew up a baseball player (played a little in college), been an athlete my whole life. As I got older, I decided I would take up the guitar about 3 years ago. I am not professing to be virtuoso, but I have had one hell of a good time learning.

Now fast forward to now - I just completely tore my Achilles playing football yesterday. I mean TORE COMPLETELY!   :sad: Surgery on Thursday afternoon.

So after that, I have about 10 months of rehab... thanks to all that is Holy that I have a diversion that will keep me entertained, sane, and happy for that time and beyond. I literally don't know what I would do if I didn't have this outlet...

Whoa torn achilles tendon sounds painful! Best of luck . Hope the surgery is successful and have a speedy recovery. Enjoy the time sitting down strumming..... :guitaristgif:
we'll try to keep the forum interesting while you're sitting around reading :icon_biggrin: always great to have a hobby. it's really too bad that you'll have so much more time to play guitar because you tore a tendon, but it's a great distraction to have anyway! this forum has taught me more about guitars in general than any other source on the internet, thats for sure...
Amen brothers.

I'm going to try to lay down some tracks on the other parts of the forum - the Studio part...
Look on the bright side - you should have all kinds of good pain pills to pop while you're reading the forum and rocking out.
Ah you don't need an achilles anyway, it's over rated

Just kidding of course, I bet that hurt like an SOB.  And you know what, your right, I've been down a couple times in the last year with a bad infection in my elbow, and some other intestinal and bladder/prostate issues.

Playen a guitar is true therapy, I really think it's saved my life a couple times
Damn. Torn Achilles. That's never gonna be right again. I hyper-extended one of mine one time, and I would have easily accepted death as a reasonable alternative to that pain. But, I recovered. Now, it just gets inflamed because of the Gout. Also a lot of fun. I'm constantly on the verge of destroying my liver with NSAIDs. But, that's ok. I still got my guitars.
Man that sux, hope everything goes well, you should have plenty of time to build a new project.... :icon_biggrin:
Hope this goes well for you, best of luck. I must admit, years ago when i was at my lowest, even when i thought I was going to hit rock bottom, I still had my music. It helped me to stay sane.
nexrex said:
Hope this goes well for you, best of luck. I must admit, years ago when i was at my lowest, even when i thought I was going to hit rock bottom, I still had my music. It helped me to stay sane.

yeah i agree. Life may suck, but at least I can play guitar.
When my cousin was a kid, he fell off his skateboard and broke his leg.  His whole life was skateboarding, so he was pretty depressed while he was in recovery.  His dad got him a drum set.  That was 35 years ago.  He has since been in several bands and has been a drum instructor his entire adult life.  Music is awesome that way, it's there for you right when you need it, and it sticks it out for as long as you need it to be there. 
I had shoulder surgery a few years back and took up producing music on my laptop. My best work was done on vicodin. Something was missing, so I took up bass again after 10 years off. Best decision of my college career. I bet the happier you are, the faster your body will heal. So, keep the songs upbeat and give playing through the pain a new meaning.
I hope you get better, and use this bad situation to elevate your guitar playing.  I have to warn you about Vicodin,  I used to think it was generally harmless, and took it just for fun once in a while.  I got prescribed it at the dentist recently and all I did was overlap the dosage by 2hrs because I felt like I needed it. I was way overdosed before I could even do anything as all I could do is huddle up in a ball and shake for a few hours.  I felt like I was going to have a heart attack or a seizure, not fun.  I think I had a buildup of it in my system after taking it for about a week.  No alcohol was involved.
Usually, taking more isn't nearly the problem not taking enough is, once you've gotten used to taking it. Getting off it is as bad as kicking heroin. Nausea, severe cramps, sweats, tremors, etc.
I had a bad injury at the end of '09 was in bed about six months recovering. Besides playing guitar great time to build another "W".  :headbang:

Get well soon!