Punxsutawney said:
Tomatonator said:
To add my 2c the Warmoth photos are taken with a consistent studio-like camera/flash setup and look great but it's good to go and find non professional shots with a google image search of guitars made with the same wood as I have done with the intention of buying a goncalo alves neck. I know it will be less colourful/contrasty than with flash lighting.
Also it's a bit late but I wouldn't order a part that came to $1000AUD (including shipping and insurance) to avoid getting stung the extra AU tax/import duties unless I knew exactly what I was getting and must have it. Is it $100usd to get a neck delivered here? Nice to know. I might have to look at my own shipping options to see if I can do better when the time comes.
Lastly you may not have lost much - see what they go for on ebay and maybe you can sell it and get something else. Otherwise you could try your hand at refinishing it with a red tinged transparent finish if it's not too dark.
The guitar body was $US115.55 using UPS worldwide saver. The neck order, although it's cancelled, was quoted at $US99.88 with USPS Priority Intl. If you want to find out the costs, just add something to the card and then click the postage options to see the quotes. I can't remember but I don't think you need an account. Like you, I didn't intend to go over $AUD1000.00, but that body should have been worth it, or if it looked like the picture it would have been. If you go over that threshold, you're going to get hit with all sorts of taxes and not just the GST. There'll be an application tax, a biohazard tax (that one is my favourite!) and an assessment tax for the biohazard tax and more; none of them apply if you stay under the limit. It's just hilarious! The courier will hit you up again too for being the broker, but if you want you can avoid that and do it yourself if you're game. The courier won't tell you that of course.
The red tinged transparent finish sounds a great option, but there's one problem; your use of the word "if". Unfortunately, it is too dark! It is very different to the picture!
I have lost and I have lost big; it's not that desirable picture you see. There's no happy ending.
Another Aussie here & I'm disappointed you didn't like the way the guitar looks and how you felt it was an inferior build. I have built 3 Warmoth guitars & always was mindful of that $AUD1000 limit and the extra $ going over that brought. Once it goes over that you might as well employ a Courier who will also act as Broker, the paperwork is mind boggling. A lot of the charges you mention are Govt charges, the Courier/Broker just usually charges a commission for doing the paperwork to get it out of Customs Bond.
I will use USPS for stuff that will come in under $AUD1000. I think on one occasion I used a Courier/Broker & it was frustrating being on the line to them as they went through the charges, but it would have been mind melting sitting there with a Customs Officer doing the paperwork myself (if they allow you to do that - I'm not sure they do).
The exchange rate is also a bugger because if the exchange rate changes dramatically while the goods are in the air, you could find your 'under $1000' being busted.
As to the appearance....I'm sorry that it isn't a beauty and not like the pic. Some woods do discolour, but judging by your comments about wood species etc. you seem to know what to expect with woods - you seem to have some experience. I have a very nice 'flamed' Koa neck that was finished in Brown Dye and it is a thing of beauty. I bought that off the Showcase as is and it arrived looking just like in the photo....
I can't remember from the previous pages if you mention if this body is finished or not, but if it isn't, maybe get it painted a solid colour to cover up the bland grain appearance? Like others here, I'd love to see a pic of this to compare from the stock pic you posted.