
Tele neck just arrived


Junior Member
Quartersawn maple, thin C, 6100 stainless steel frets, 10 to 16 inch radius, dark Indian rosewood board. And I forgot to buy neck screws!


Seems to fit quite nicely on the Fender body ...

On closer inspection, I really like how the quartersawn grain runs almost perfectly along the length of the neck.


And the fingerboard is an impressively thick piece of rosewood. I don't see this having any major stability problems once it's set up.
Nice part.  I'm a big fan of the quartersawn look with the visible medullary rays. 

You'll find the modern-construction necks are pretty dang stable.  I have a couple that have been in service for three+ years, and have required no adjustment since initial setup.  Have fun playing, since you won't need to eff around with setup again and again.  Woohoo!
I believe it's a Quarter Pounder, the body is from ebay and the seller didn't seem very sure what he was selling. I may change it for a Bare Knuckle Flat 50, I've never really had much love for Seymour Duncan high output pickups. Too much gain, not enough tone for my liking.