sweet chunk of ebony


Master Member
I know you guys like pictures of nice wood... I just came back from a Woodcraft store and they had some beautiful stuff.  I really like the streaks on this chunk of ebony... too bad it's too small to be useful...

That is noice...  I like the striping..

Anyone else ever keep an eye on this category at eBay?

I occasionally bid on pieces, but rarely win. Figured if I'd win something cool, I'd either make something out of it, or send it to Warmoth to see what they could make out of it...
I watch woods all the time on eBay. I recently bought me a wood lathe. I am planning on turning small bowls and pipes. Should be a heap of fun!
That's very cool! You'll have to show us some stuff after make some things...

There's a lot of cool wood that goes on ebay. I saw a gorgeous piece of flamed redwood go recently. Had the most beautiful red color.