Survey for my biology class

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Actually your survey will be scewed.  Your getting opinions from musicians who make their own instruments from parts.  As groups go, this is an odd one.
There aren't many other groups I have access to.
My friends at school are all liberal (most of them are them bi-sex-u-als), and at my church, mostly conservative and against that. I feel this is a group I have access to that is a bit less skewed than those other two.
Max, give the survey to random people at the grocery store.  (Ask the store manager first.)

NT, I know you're not male by USA standards.  But you're close enough.  ;)
dbw said:
NT, I know you're not male by USA standards.  But you're close enough.  ;)


1. Do you know what a stem cell is?                                              Yes
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?          Yes
3. What is your age?                                                                      39
4. What is the highest level of education you have?                          College diploma/Honors graduate
5. What is your political ideology?                                                    Liberal with socialist tendancies
6. Do you have children?                                                                No, not yet
7. Do you support abortion?                                                            I'm pro-choice, so yes
8. Do you support adult stem cell research?                                    Yes
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?                                  Yes
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?                        N/A ... and I have no religous beliefs to speak of.
1. Do you know what a stem cell is?  Yes

2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?  Yes

3. What is your age?  43

4. What is the highest level of education you have?  MD

5. What is your political ideology?  Republican

6. Do you have children?  yes

7. Do you support abortion?  yes

8. Do you support adult stem cell research?  yes

9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?  yes

10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs? n/a
1. Do you know what a stem cell is?
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?
3. What is your age?
4. What is the highest level of education you have?
Last year Hon. B.Sc. in biology/psychology
5. What is your political ideology?
6. Do you have children?
7. Do you support abortion?
8. Do you support adult stem cell research?
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?

Good luck on your homework.
1. Do you know what a stem cell is?
Yes, a little bit.

2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?
I think so

3. What is your age?

4. What is the highest level of education you have?

5. What is your political ideology?

6. Do you have children?
Yes, one biological (16), two step (21, 27)

7. Do you support abortion?

8. Do you support adult stem cell research?

9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
Hey, we pretty much all agree on this issue.  Cue SL to come and say that stem cells are murder...  :icon_tongue:
Hey, Max.  I will answer this, but I just want to make a note first.  The wording of number 7 is loading the question in an undesirable way.  I will have to answer yes, but I'm not sure I actually SUPPORT it.  I would rather say that I don't support legislating it out of the picture.  Anyway:

1: Yes.
2: As much as most lay-people.  I have read a great deal about it.
3: 36
4: High School.  I had learned everything, so college seemed superflous.  Plus I was in a Rock and Roll band.
5: Political Gnosticism.
6: Yes.  9 and 5 years old.
7: See above.
8: Yes.
9: Yes.

Yet another note.  When each of our children were born, we tried to donate umbilical cord blood, as the stem cells contained therein can be used to help leukemia, and lymphoma patients,  and were told by our hospital that they had no freaking idea what we were talking about.  It's kind of a shame.  I have read more about it in the ensuing years, and the process seems pretty simple and staightforward.  I still wish the that we could have done it.
Actually, I was curious on SL's vote. I might need at least one person who disagrees :p

And I see, Louie. Thankfully, most people here understand the intent of the question. Thanks. :)
Max said:
Actually, I was curious on SL's vote. I might need at least one person who disagrees :p

And I see, Louie. Thankfully, most people here understand the intent of the question. Thanks. :)

PM him, I'm sure you'll have that answer :D
This group is less skewed than the actual humans you interact with?!?  Things are pretty bad there, aren't they?
guitlouie said:
Hey, Max.  I will answer this, but I just want to make a note first.  The wording of number 7 is loading the question in an undesirable way.  I will have to answer yes, but I'm not sure I actually SUPPORT it.  I would rather say that I don't support legislating it out of the picture.  Anyway:

1: Yes.
2: As much as most lay-people.  I have read a great deal about it.
3: 36
4: High School.  I had learned everything, so college seemed superflous.  Plus I was in a Rock and Roll band.
5: Political Gnosticism.
6: Yes.  9 and 5 years old.
7: See above.
8: Yes.
9: Yes.

Yet another note.  When each of our children were born, we tried to donate umbilical cord blood, as the stem cells contained therein can be used to help leukemia, and lymphoma patients,  and were told by our hospital that they had no freaking idea what we were talking about.  It's kind of a shame.  I have read more about it in the ensuing years, and the process seems pretty simple and staightforward.  I still wish the that we could have done it.

I have heard that you can have umbilical cord cells and placenta frozen for use with future medical situations within your family.  You probably have to research who to talk to about that way before the baby is born to have it done though.  
There's even "Placenta Eaters."  Groups that purchase them, have parties to prepare and serve them.  In some parts of the world, the mother will eat it to regain strength.  It's very nutrient rich apparently.
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