Survey for my biology class

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Mor Paul

Epic Member
Firstly, don't make this political. I'm doing this for an assignment, but it's about a controversial topic. Answer for yourself, but don't attack anyone else's opinion. Thanks, guys.

1. Do you know what a stem cell is?
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?
3. What is your age?
4. What is the highest level of education you have?
5. What is your political ideology?
6. Do you have children?
7. Do you support abortion?
8. Do you support adult stem cell research?
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?
Max said:
Firstly, don't make this political. I'm doing this for an assignment, but it's about a controversial topic. Answer for yourself, but don't attack anyone else's opinion. Thanks, guys.

1. Do you know what a stem cell is? 
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?
3. What is your age?
4. What is the highest level of education you have?
5. What is your political ideology?
6. Do you have children?
7. Do you support abortion?
8. Do you support adult stem cell research?
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?
1.  Yes
2.  Yes
3.  28
4.  College Diploma
5.  Not sure/apathetic
6.  No
7.  Yes
8.  Yes
9.  Yes
1. Do you know what a stem cell is?
Very little
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?
Very little, but support the research
3. What is your age?
4. What is the highest level of education you have?
5. What is your political ideology?
Changing ATM, half libertarian, half right wing
6. Do you have children?
7. Do you support abortion?
8. Do you support adult stem cell research?
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
99%, never studied much about, but I think if I do I'll support 100%
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?
Max said:
Firstly, don't make this political. I'm doing this for an assignment, but it's about a controversial topic. Answer for yourself, but don't attack anyone else's opinion. Thanks, guys.

1. Do you know what a stem cell is?


2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?


3. What is your age?

  <ahem>  let's just say over 40

4. What is the highest level of education you have?


5. What is your political ideology?


6. Do you have children?


7. Do you support abortion?

  Depends on the situation.  I guess that's a yes.

8. Do you support adult stem cell research?


9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?


10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?

  Nope (Atheist)
1. Do you know what a stem cell is?
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?
3. What is your age?
4. What is the highest level of education you have?
Post-graduate degree
5. What is your political ideology?
Left / liberal to skeptic / nihilist depending on issue
6. Do you have children?
7. Do you support abortion?
8. Do you support adult stem cell research?
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?
Why would it be? If embryonic stem cell research is murder, then fertility clinics are as bad as gas chambers. Nobody wants to say that, though, because it's a political loser of an argument.
1. Do you know what a stem cell is?

2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?

3. What is your age?

4. What is the highest level of education you have?
-Bachelor's Degree

5. What is your political ideology?
-right of center.  I've done those little tests and they say Libertarian mostly.  I'm in labor union, so I vote Democrat most of the time.

6. Do you have children?

7. Do you support abortion?
-not as birth control.  I don't see it as strictly a women's issue.

8. Do you support adult stem cell research?

9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
yes and no.  I'm not for creating embryos solely for research purposes, but if they're never going to be used for the intended purpose, it would be wasteful to destroy if they could help someone.

10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?
-I don't know.  Partially.
1. Do you know what a stem cell is? Yes.
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research? Yes.
3. What is your age? 49.
4. What is the highest level of education you have? University. I have a Masters degree in Psychology
5. What is your political ideology? Socialist in the Wester European sense of the word.
6. Do you have children? Yes.
7. Do you support abortion? Yes, but not in lieu of birth control.
8. Do you support adult stem cell research? Yes.
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research? Yes if monitored by an ethics board.
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs? n.a.
1. Do you know what a stem cell is?

2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?

3. What is your age?

4. What is the highest level of education you have?
BSc (Hons) - Broadcast Engineering

5. What is your political ideology?
Be nice to people

6. Do you have children?
Not Yet, but someday

7. Do you support abortion?
Yes and No - Depends on the circumstances.

8. Do you support adult stem cell research?

9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?

10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?

1. Do you know what a stem cell is?
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?
3. What is your age?
4. What is the highest level of education you have?
9th grade High school
5. What is your political ideology?
Look something Shiny Over There!
6. Do you have children?
7. Do you support abortion?
8. Do you support adult stem cell research?
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
I don't know what that is, but yes.
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?
I don't know, But in any case I suppose i'm a heathen

I'd like to see your teachers face after reading some of these results.
1. Do you know what a stem cell is?
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?
3. What is your age?
4. What is the highest level of education you have?
5. What is your political ideology?
6. Do you have children?
7. Do you support abortion?
8. Do you support adult stem cell research?
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?
1. Do you know what a stem cell is?


2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?


3. What is your age?


4. What is the highest level of education you have?

University degree (optometry).

5. What is your political ideology?

Non-capitalist green, mainly. Possibly anti-capitalist, but don't call me "left" because that's an equally useless position.

6. Do you have children?


7. Do you support abortion?


8. Do you support adult stem cell research?


9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?


10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?

(I don't have any.)

Addendum to #9: One important part of the research should be to create a stem cell cultivation technique that does not require human hosts or the growth of actual embroys.
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
I'd like to see your teachers face after reading some of these results.
I hope she has a sense of humor. I conducted an interview with a surgeon involving if he likes altoids or skittles.
1. Do you know what a stem cell is?                 
Just about

2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?         

3. What is your age?

4. What is the highest level of education you have?
A-level (currently studying for a BEng in Electronics)

5. What is your political ideology?
Don't really have one apart from 'all politicians are absolute gits who should never have been allowed in a position of power'

6. Do you have children?

7. Do you support abortion?

8. Do you support adult stem cell research?

9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
1. Do you know what a stem cell is?
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?
3. What is your age?
4. What is the highest level of education you have?
College degree
5. What is your political ideology?
European Right and US Left
6. Do you have children?
7. Do you support abortion?
I personally don't like the thought of abortion, but don't think anybody can ever tell someone else is not allowed to have an abortion.
So yes, I think it should be an option
8. Do you support adult stem cell research?
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?
We are not exactly a scientific sample population... we're almost all male and medium-to-high income.  But I will answer your questions:

1. Do you know what a stem cell is? - yes
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research? - yes
3. What is your age? - 23
4. What is the highest level of education you have? - bachelor's degree
5. What is your political ideology? - liberal/left/Democrat
6. Do you have children? - no
7. Do you support abortion? - Well, I wouldn't put it like that.  But I oppose criminalizing abortion.
8. Do you support adult stem cell research? - yes
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research? - yes
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs? - n/a

Good luck on your homework :)
True about the medium-high income males. The nice thing is that the forum has no impact on political views, age, religion, etc... We're even in different parts of the world.
We're also pretty heavily Caucasian most likely. The fact that you are surveying the "white males with jobs" demographic doesn't invalidate your research, but definitely limits its generalizability (yes that's a word) and should be clearly noted in your writeup.
Max, you do realize that this will probably end with your teacher telling your folks to keep you away from that bunch of weirdos?

1. Do you know what a stem cell is?
2. Do you know of the potential benefits of stem cell research?
Does anyone at this point?  The research is so new.  
3. What is your age?
4. What is the highest level of education you have?
Bachelors degree
5. What is your political ideology?
6. Do you have children?
7. Do you support abortion?
I am okay with legally having the choice, but I think choosing to have one is very selfish unless your life is in danger or the kid will turn out totally deformed and braindead or something.  So, yes and no.  Oh, but I don't support partial birth abortion at all unless the mother will die, cause that's just messed up.  
8. Do you support adult stem cell research?
That's the one that is more valuable scientifically, so yes indeedy.
9. Do you support embryo stem cell research?
Don't have much opinion on it.  I think if they really go at it for a while they will probably find that it is a waste of time compared to adult stem cell research.  
10. If no to #9, is it a conflict of your religious beliefs?
Nope, I'm not religous.
dbw said:
We are not exactly a scientific sample population... we're almost all male and medium-to-high income.  But I will answer your questions:

Beside me :p
For USA standard, of course
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