Forgive me, but I didn't mention anything about writing songs like them or anything about "their sounds" (words you may note I did not use) aside from the fact that they're guitars are both SUHRS. :dontknow:
I like the tone of SUHR's pickups, dig? :guitaristgif: Their fills and techniques (largely) are irrelevant in the quality I am hearing.
I keep feeling that it has something to do with the midrange, but that is the big wide open shot where I am QUITE likely mistaken, myself.
I play a rinkydink epiphone les paul, and let me tell ya, no matter which way I pick, be it alternate, economy, hybrid, or sweep, the tone of the pickup is still underneath it all.
It's like saying if DA or GG pick up my guitar, they'll still get their tone that I love, which we all know, of course, will not happen.
It WILL sound every bit like THEM, but it will not sound a trife like THEIR GUITAR.
Anybody else smell where I'm comin' from?
I feel I was misread as someone who is looking into expensive gear as a confidence boost, when in fact, the situation is quite the opposite-
I do not even own a Warmoth because I know I don't NEED it, but I would very much like to build one once I am sure that it would either be completely necessary
or that every feature on it would at least be put to constant use.
If anybody hears what I'm catching off those two, drop it on me, otherwise I'll sift through SUHR's website; albeit reluctantly.