
Suggestions for removing an autograph from paint

Disco Scottie

Hero Member
I figured this would be the place to ask... does anyone have any experience with magic markered autograph removal? I'd like to know if there's something that can take it off without taking the paint as well.
If you are talking about the good old Sharpie brand markers (permanent) then denatured alcohol or methylated spirits (as we call it here in Oz) does a great job, and it has not effect on polyurethane.
Just clean the alcohol off with a damp cloth when you are done.

Here's a passel of possibilities:


Have fun, and as always, test your method on an unexposed area of whatever you're cleaning.


While everyone else is busy answering the question asked, I have to ask:

Who's autograph and why are you removing it?  Not that I'm much for the cult of celebrity. But still it begs to be asked, if someone once cared about it.
Madonna autogragh's devalue most guitars by at least 50%

taez555 said:
Madonna autogragh's devalue most guitars by at least 50%

No doubt, what with her being a walking biohazard and all. Be like letting that other Petri dish - Courtney Love (Kurt Kabang's hosebag) - touch your guitar. You'd have to let her keep it <grin>
I was Hugged, Kissed and then "Grinded" on by someone who's pissed in a Condom so Courtney Love could pass a Drug test.

I actually feel pretty good about that.
you have NO IDEA.

She was also a small woman.


I'm not particularly special... she makes out with a lot of people...

Not many guys though...
