
Stubhead's Law


Master Member
Godwin's law: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."

Stubhead's Law:"As an online music discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Justin Bieber approaches 1."

Bieb on, sweeties.....
I attribute this thread to teenage stupidity brought on by an identity crisis and lack of attention. And if you apologize, it's just guilt over a crime you commited in your adolescent years. So don't even try, and GET OFF MY LAWN. :laughing7:

Words of flucking wisdom floweth from the mouth of the mighty stub.
One of the corollaries to Godwin's Law is that you can't accelerate the end of the discussion by intentionally invoking Hitler.  I suspect the same is true with Stubhead's Law.