
String trees on a tele neck


Hero Member
I finally have all the hardware to put my Spalted Tele together (at least I hope I do).  I only ordered on barrel string tree for the bottom 2 strings.  After looking at a lot of the pics on the boards here I notice some have one and some have two.  What is the general rule of thumb regarding string trees?

Generally speaking, you only need one on your B/E string. Soemtimes depending on nut/setup/action if you use really light strings and bend the hell out of them it's easier to put on a second one, mainly to keep from bending the G string out of the nut slot, than jack with further setup.
just fit one tree for now and fit the second (its a 2 min job) if you ever pop a string out of the nut, you proably wont. you dont need trees at all if you use height adjustable tuner posts (ive got an amazing gotoh kluson set) but you have already got your hardware.

Maybe you should just go with what you think looks best.
Yep - what they said.

I've only got the B-E on my teles - they survive massive bending and behind the nut shenanigans every weekend without a string poping out of the nut.