
Strelecaster with roasted maple/figured ziricote neck


Junior Member
Picked up this body last month. Swamp ash Strelecaster, with some nice figuring in the wood.


Then I saw this insane figured ziricote fingerboard in the showcase...



Now to choose a finish for the body...



Wow. We go for months without seeing any Ziricote around here, and now here's the second one in a week. Lovely stuff. I like the grain on the body, too. What are you going to do for a finish?
Awesome neck and body.
And I like your description of the body - Strelecaster :icon_biggrin:
Cagey said:
Wow. We go for months without seeing any Ziricote around here, and now here's the second one in a week. Lovely stuff. I like the grain on the body, too. What are you going to do for a finish?

Haven't decided on the exact color, but I'm going to keep to natural wood color, a little darker than the color of the roasted maple. Maybe a slight burst effect in a darker brown.

Figured ziricote is my new favorite wood. Crazy stuff.
Ziricote has some wild grain patterns. If you didn't know any better, you'd almost think it was artificial.
Cagey said:
Ziricote has some wild grain patterns. If you didn't know any better, you'd almost think it was artificial.
True that, that's one slammin' neck! Congrats on a great find!
Very nice woods and a little bit of every thing out there, Strat, Tele, Humbucker, you should get some cool sounds out of that baby.
Cagey said:
Ziricote has some wild grain patterns. If you didn't know any better, you'd almost think it was artificial.

It almost looks pixelated. At least two people have commented that the fingerboard looks like it has a crack down the middle, from the prominent black stripe.