"I just saw Strawberry Shortcake dead with pee in her eye."
I've seen four or five episodes of Family Guy, and the only jokes in it that were funny were ones that I recognized as jokes they had blatantly stolen from other shows or old movies. So I thought it was pretty lame. And yeah, the writing seemed pretty disjointed and random, and the only time it really went on a path that made sense was when it was (again) using plotlines from old movies. There's a fine line between plagarism and farce, and to me it was just plagarism. Plus something about Seth MacFarlane's voices annoys me, especially Stewie.
My key to the comic book store used to have a talking Stewie keychain on it (my boss put it there, not me), and it would randomly go off in my purse at awkward times. I hated that thing... which is why it mysteriously disappeared and was replaced with a Batman one.