
Sorry guys, but...

Not quite. It is two diagonal routs, but they're directly on top of each other. Can't tell about the jazz pup, in that picture, though.

I posted a picture of it on the last page.   :icon_thumright:
I see that there's something there, but I can't see what you actually posted  :tard:

Think you can email the pic to me?
Other than fodder for threads like this, I can't see any tonal advantage or disadvantage for doing that.  When I watched the Loudness video, being sticklers for good tone isn't what struck me about them.  He could've saved the money he spent on that custom pickup routing and bought pinker spandex or extra-extra-hold hair spray.
GoDrex said:
dwayneed said:
Xplorervoodoo said:
GoDrex said:
dbw said:
I was busy bleeding from the eyes, ears, and ass.  Thanks a lot. :p

Loudness' work here is done.  :laughing7:

Coulda been worse guys...  It coulda been Grim Reaper...

Or Paul DiAnno's Battlezone...

Oh man I went to see him at this club in newark new jersey and it was pretty bad. He looked all bloated and drunk - and his band seemed pretty bored. I felt bad for the guy. My friends and I left early.

At the same club I saw King's X and it was one of the best shows I've ever been to.

Seriously? I absoluteley love Paul Dianno era Maiden!! I don't think I ever heard or saw anything from him since though,...
So do I and my friends too (Killers is one of my all time favorite metal albums) - - that's why we went to the show. It was pretty sad, considering the kind of success that Maiden has had.

a quick search reveals he's still around:

Hellrow Kansa Chity!!!!  yes I was there....I feel so dirty.  oh well it was 86 and there was a ton so silly stuff going on at the time. Thanks Max for bringing up embarrasing Sh*ty hair metal.  Their guitarist was known as the EVH of Japan.  He has his own company Killer Guitars for a while.  One of the first times I'd heard of graphite reinforced necks.  Still star shaped though, or slightly modified.

there is probably a reason Paul DiAnno didn't stick with Maiden.  I've heard it was visa issues but wich came first the chicken or the egg.

Love the old songs though.  Phantom of the Opera & Irom Maiden are classics and always will be.

I saw Maiden in Chicago last year. Dickinson and the band sounded like a day had never passed since Powerslave. It was awesome. Well except for that 3rd weird guitarist running around..... sounded awesome though.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Other than fodder for threads like this, I can't see any tonal advantage or disadvantage for doing that.  When I watched the Loudness video, being sticklers for good tone isn't what struck me about them.  He could've saved the money he spent on that custom pickup routing and bought pinker spandex or extra-extra-hold hair spray.

I'm gonna suggest that the wild looking double P-bass pickups he's got there are purely for show - and he's just playing through the bridge pickup (assuming he's actually playing at all, given the fact that it's a rock video).
dwayneed said:
I saw Maiden in Chicago last year. Dickinson and the band sounded like a day had never passed since Powerslave. It was awesome. Well except for that 3rd weird guitarist running around..... sounded awesome though.

Forget about Janick Geers, I think that's his name.  Looking forward to seeing them again, sometime, I hope.  DiAnno Maiden was cool, too...Murders in the Rue Morgue...