Songs from dreams


Hero Member
I just woke up from a small nap after a restless night shared with my pregnant wife.  The only thing I remembered was a bizarre dream of  an old Japanese composer, who had a woman playing his composition on an instrument made from some sort of lettuce leaf. All I know is it wasn’t iceberg.  I remember telling her that she could break off the little shoots from the leaf she was using as a bow, so the notes would be cleaner. Then I realized those spiny bits added to the sound of the instrument when they grazed the strings. 

What she played was so emotional and epic. And while she played that lettuce violin thing, he smiled at me knowing his song would cause all to poop their pants in amazement.  Either I need more ruffage in my diet or there’s a new instrumental a’comin from the ol’ DeSalvo Music Factory! 

I always have been blessed with vibrant and amusing dreams, and this isn’t the first time I used a dream song as a muse.  As with the last time, I hope and pray this chord progression and lead line haven’t been used. That would be crushing. I scrambled to capture myself humming it into my phone’s voice recorder/memo app. My God it confirms why I’m an instrumentalist. 

Anyone else derive inspiration from dreams?
Coleridge and his poem Kublai Khan.  He woke up from an opium induced dream, and starting writing one of the greatest poems in the English language, when he was interupted by a man from Porlock (if memory serves me) delivering a package.  Then when he went back to his desk, he only remembered the remaining fragments.

I'm always getting interrupted.  In fact, the way I play guitar is a just in time delivery system, please don't ask me what's happening more than four measures ahead.

Though I have to say, sometimes, I'll enter, I won't call it a dream like state, but when I play I get that zen going on, which is pretty cool.
Not exactly the same but ... I still remember this dream even though it was 30 years ago.

I've always loved horn bands. I had this dream that I was playing guitar at church, we had a huge horn section. And we were in an instrumental break where I had the lead, and the horns and I were playing this little game where I was playing more and more 'outside' to see if I could lose em, but no mater where I went with this thing, they were tracking like a bloodhound. As I wrapped up my instrumental break to return to the congregational singing, I realized with horror that my litle 'improvisation' was actually the guitar solo from Van Halen's "Why Can't This Be Love".  No wonder they were tracking so well, and Ooops, we're gonna hear it afterwards.
Sounds like a good dream. I like it when good things come to me that way.

Here's a little inspiration on that instrument: