
somthing not right...pick ups

.022 doesn't tell us much you could have used a .022 milli (mF), micro (uF), nano (nF) or even pico (pF) farad cap for all we know.
Nick Ellingworth said:
.022 doesn't tell us much you could have used a .022 milli (mF), micro (uF), nano (nF) or even pico (pF) farad cap for all we know.

.022 uf
On the pickup wiring, do you have the black and white wires soldered together, the green and bare wires together and soldered to ground, and the red wire going to your switch?
still working on it...I had a business trip to California and that slowed me down.  I called dimarzio and they suggested switching to a 250 pot.  I am going to give it a shot tomorrow.  I will keep you posted.