
Something for Charity...


Okay, here's an idea... Each month one lucky Warmoth employee (a different employee each month) gets to make a custom guitar or bass, however they want to do it, using whatever body style, neck, etc... they want (using Warmoth parts of course) and then Warmoth list's the guitar on e-bay. You could make the starting bid price equal the cost of parts and donate whatever proceeds above the staring bid the auction makes to the employee's favorite charity.

For example... "Bob" gets picked for the month of July and decides to build a swamp ash Soloist body guitar with a reverse headstock solid rosewood neck, floating floyd etc... etc.. and the cost of parts is $900. Warmoth puts the guitar on e-bay  starting at $900 and the bidding war begins... at the end the guitar sells for $1300. Warmoth takes $900 to cover parts and $400 goes to "Bob's" favorite charity...the "Donuts for  Models  Foundation" .

Warmoth doesn't loose any money, gets to help a worthy cause, makes an employee feel good, and gets another happy customer.

The winning bidder gets a great one of a kind guitar hand made in the USA, and might even be able to write it off on his or her taxes!

Of course I would hope Warmoth's employee's would have better taste in charity's than "Bob"....  :headbang:
That's an interesting idea, I really like it a lot. Hopefully W isn't too "swamp"ed with work right now..
Well I look like a Panda, sooooo if they could carry a gun, I would live with them!  The Nonsense Gunslinger  :guitarplayer2:

( Obelix had fall in a Magic Potion's cauldron.... I have felt in a LSD's cauldron when I was young  :toothy12:)
1.  What makes you think Warmoth employees have time and inclination to build guitars?

2.  It might be construed to be counter to their Fender License Agreement (read it, its online)

3.  When you get into a price league that rivals big name factory guitars... Fender, Gibson, etc... but made of "custom" parts... I can see people wanting it "their way", not the way somebody else saw it.

4.  Nuke the whales. 
Uh...I believe it's nuke the GAY whales, and for good measure do it for Jesus.............
nathan a... thanks, I hope they have time too.

Schmoopy... PFP is a wonderful charity, and your right, they need all the help they can get. Another good charity would  the DDBMF (Deaf, Dumb, Blind, Musicians Foundation) I here they are working up a North American Awarness Tour for summer 08, provided they can decided which one gets to drive the tour bus....

NonsenseTele... the more valium you take, the better you'll feel.

-CB-..... If you worked at a shop that had nothing but guitar and bass parts everywhere would you be unwilling to make the time to build a guitar or bass for a worthy cause?  Especially if it was your favorite worthy cause?
      ..... I read the agreement and you are right it could be a problem, however I think they could get around it if they donated the guitar to the charity and let the charity handle the auction. The agreement said Warmoth can't sell guitars or kits, it did not say they couldn't give away a guitar. Of course that would mean Warmoth would have to donate the cost of parts too... The lawyers will have to argue that out though.
      .... People who want it "their way" would have to get over it or just buy what they want and build it themselves. I look at stuff on auction all the time and if it's not what I want, I don't buy it. I think alot of people would be willing to bid on a one of a kind guitar for charity just because it is a one of a kind guitar for charity.
      .... I thought the saying was "Save the Whales, collect the whole set".... Isn't that why they have them hanging from the roof of the Smithsonian Museum?

guitlouie.... therapy WILL eventually help even you. have you tried electric shock therapy?
the only therapy for me.............



save to whales? i thought they said shave the whales. and here i was getting thrown out of see world for nothing. by the way, a blow hole is use for breathing, and only breathing apparently.

how about needle point hobby kits for hemophiliacs?
thimble sold separately 

ok im done, for now.
charity is good in all, but wheres the profit aspect?

now im done
j_fountain2 said:
-CB-..... If you worked at a shop that had nothing but guitar and bass parts everywhere would you be unwilling to make the time to build a guitar or bass for a worthy cause?  Especially if it was your favorite worthy cause?

Well... I am my own most worthy cause, and already do build things for me, so the question is moot.

I cant see anyone plopping down a grand, or eleven or twelve or fifteen hundred bucks, for a guitar that is somebody else's dream guitar.  For that money, have your own dream guitar made.  Getting over it, is a tough one, when there's some serious chump change involved.
Well... I am my own most worthy cause, and already do build things for me, so the question is moot.

HA! But I've been on the recieving end of CB's charity and he's done his
part to make my world a better place!
I agree with CB, the only way it's feasible is if some guitarist ordered his dream guitar then the group at W completed the whole guitar for them, including finish, wiring and putting it all together.
how about my new favorite charity,


its the opposite of getting cheep drugs from canada.