
Something A Little Different (For Me, Anyway...)

Great Ape

Hero Member
Quilt maple on swamp ash, 2lbs, 13oz.(YES). Scales, feathers, and horns are out the window for this one; just graphic, not National Geographic...Maple neck, white pearl pickguard, and Bare Knuckle 'Irish Tour' pickups to follow...
Pencil first, then woodburn the design, and color with dyes and enamel paint-markers...spray sanding sealer, and then tung oil or spray poly finish...

I decided to hold onto the Bareknuckle 'Irish Tour' pickups for a different project, and went with Duncan SSL-Customs--nice surprise, they're very strong but still totally Strat-like; TEXAS BLUES!!
I had missed this one till now. Another very artistic guitar.

There really is a lot of talent on this forum.