
Soloist and two 'Half-moths' UPDATED MARCH 8 2010

UPDATE: Mimi is back in Hong Kong for a month and has started painting the guitars! She's leaving soon so she's painting her Tele first, so I can clear-coat it while she does mine.

This picture (which she'd probably kill me for showing you) lets you see just why I wanted her to do the work.
Looks like a great start on that tele...  Mimi does great work!
Can't wait to see all yours complete  :headbang1:
Warren DeMartini eat your heart out! The Soloist is still in-progress, but LOOK AT IT!

The Tele is near finished (that will be Mimi's).
Yah..That thing IS pretty freakin' ugly but I like it... can't seem to find an Iceman I don't like. Looks like youre having fun too.
What do you mean, "Seal the tuner holes"?  :dontknow:

Do you mean, plug them up somehow so the liquid form the wet sanding doesn't get in there? Like with a dowl or something?

Or do you mean apply sanding sealer to the inside of the holes?
I mean work some sealer/lacquer down into the holes to seal them. Though I must say that they dried out pretty well. Still, I'd have rather it not happened at all.
Yes, that strap is a must! This is one of the loudest guitars I've ever seen :icon_biggrin:
I picked p the Soloist and Tele from Mimi this weekend.

The headstock is the CBS neck for her Tele. The Soloist has a solid Purpleheart neck waiting for it.

I've had to do some cleaning up of the white on the Soloist, which I expected to do since brush painting artwork is rarely a pristine process.

They'll get finished in matte lacquer, and I hope to have at least the Tele up and running by next week.

They look a lot different than when they started.