
so I just bought a guitar on ebay I did not meen to

Ah yes, God made Men, But colonel Colt made them equal. 

Just did not quite like the wipped thing.. we have a give and take thing that has been nurtured for 20 years, not a I'll tell you thing.. but still it's embarrassing to say hey honey I just bought something on ebay I didn't want!  and even stranger to have her say "Oh well, thats ok"
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
jerryjg said:
I live in Texas,

Are you in RLW's neck of the woods?  Bacliff, San Leon, Dickinson?
haha. Thats like asking if someone from Ausrtralia lives near Melbourne.
The State is as vast as a large  Continent.
Several different Geogreaphical &  Climate zones.
Well, I live on the edge of the deesrt- near San Antonio up the I-10 Corridor NW towards El Paso  about 75 miles.
big bob said:
To be inn a relationship for 15 years, actually 20, married for 15, some respect must be leveed for the other side, My wife does not tell me what I can or cannot do. but her feeling should be considered . what if she bought a new .. designer dress every week.. what would I say.
I realizes that I have a lot of music equipment, and I also realize that bidding on something I don't want is, well stupid, so she has been great..   I don.t quite get the whole whipped thing.. but If we ever meet face to face we could talk about it, I weigh 175 and bench 305.. so I don't quite feel like a sissy.Hows about you.. 

I weigh 225 and can bench 12 ounces in an aluminum can.

Easy hoss, it's all for comic relief.  :icon_thumright:
The Warmoth website was actually the best excuse I've ever had to buy more guitars.  I got my wife hooked on the "ohhhhhh, pretty wood!!!" for a couple years now, and she'll often mock up a build that she wants.  My response is always, "have you practiced today?"  She then makes a renewed commitment to practicing guitar (she's a very accomplished trombonist and plays with swing bands, aside from teaching music as a profession), and the guitar never gets built out of guilt.  She lives vicariously through my builds and purchases, and I've built a guitar and two basses that were essentially what she wanted to build.  It's win/win!
