Daze of October said:The shop told me the electronics looked "interesting" and did not look like a factory wiring job. They couldn't conclude whether it was a true Ibanez body or just a poor copy because it did not have any serial #s or indications it was or wasn't an Ibanez body. One thing I noticed was inside the electronics cavity, there was a previous finish, which appears to be a sparkly green. I saw a pic of this on a Star Destroyer when I looked one up on Google for an image of one.
I'm thinking I've had smoke blown up my ass and all this thing got was a bad paint job and hacked up routing job for a tremolo...but what's odd is that from the outside the routing job for the tremolo looks fairly neat...it's the inside that looks like Hell. :doh:
Yeah, that is an Ibanez DT380. The hole for the trem was enormous (the ProRock'R was a horrible design), so it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't look right.