Sneak Peek #2 (no this is not the LP replacement)

Fat Pete said:
Interesting that this isn't the LP replacement - how much more like an LP can that look while still keeping the big G's lawyers quiet?


BTW, love the new headstock! Any potential new flat tops?

Or perhaps... A german carve? :glasses10:
The first sneak peek was OK. this one is already a lot better. Can't help but wonder how nice the fourth one will be! ;)
So it's a Weddington. I can't remember ever seeing these and I worked for Yamaha at the time! I guess they never made it to the UK.

I remember the Weddingtons.  I hankered after one of those pretty intensely back in the, what, early 1990s? 
Red Rocks said:
Here is a peek at another Carve Top that will be out in the next few months. This is not the LP replacement body, but it has the LP replacement neck on it.

Will this body have solid/chambered/(semi) hollow options? Looks good.