Greetings!Does anyone know why the change?Vintage/Modern Strat necks with separate fingerboards used to be without the skunk stripe,with the truss rod adjustment nut at the body end of the neck.Why call the newer version Vintage/Modern?What's vintage about it?Unless you call 1970's,bullet truss rod,Micro-Tilt,three screw plates 'vintage'.We all know what the word 'vintage' stands for.I was perfectly happy ordering the old version.Maybe Warmoth should consider giving their customers the option:Skunk Stripe or NO Skunk Stripe for two-piece Vintage/Modern necks!I personally think the two-piece Fender neck with a skunk stripe and big-thick-headstock-bullet-truss-rod-nut the ugliest neck constructed,ever.Cost effective maybe,but ugly nonetheless.No elegance whatsoever.OK,there ARE people out there who really like big Strat headstocks,but they represent a minority,IMHO.
I've known Warmoth since the early 1990's and I'm fond of their quality products.As a luthier,I've built around 30 instruments using Warmoth necks and bodies exclusively.I feel sad having to order necks from the competition.
I've known Warmoth since the early 1990's and I'm fond of their quality products.As a luthier,I've built around 30 instruments using Warmoth necks and bodies exclusively.I feel sad having to order necks from the competition.