
Silvertone Guitar Case


Hero Member
Any Silvertone owners out there :dontknow:
I picked up an old Silvertone 1446 this weekend and it came with a period correct case.  However, it is not the original, so it flops around inside the case a lot.
Plus, it's pretty worn out and really don't trust it for more than sitting in the closet.  Searched all over the web looking for a new case without luck.
Anybody out there have a clue as to what case would fit a 60's Silvertone 1446?
Thanks for your time and  :rock-on:
Ehhhhhwww....I love old Silvertones...My fave is the Espanada...

The very first one i owned was this model...
Hey Bart, you find a case?

You might look into Eastwood guitars, it wouldn't be an original case but it will probably fit the 1446 a bit more snug...
Hey Doug,  Thanks for the info!  That is a good thought regarding the Eastwood case.  They do make some similar shaped guitars.  Where did you come up with the yellow case pictured?  That's not an Eastwood case is it?  Shot me a link if you have it.  I do kinda like it...
Black Dog said:
Hey Doug,  Thanks for the info!  That is a good thought regarding the Eastwood case.  They do make some similar shaped guitars.  Where did you come up with the yellow case pictured?  That's not an Eastwood case is it?  Shot me a link if you have it.  I do kinda like it...
No it's not an Eastwood, it's from Guitar Fetish and it's ostrich skin. Faux ostrich I'd imagine, it's only 74 ostrich eggs... :toothy10:
Thanks my brotha!  Probably gonna have to drag her down to the dreaded GC and torture the sales staff into getting out come cases for me to evaluate and see what shape fits the best.  Then of course I will leave and buy it online from someone else  :evil4:
Thanks again...
Black Dog said:
Thanks my brotha!  Probably gonna have to drag her down to the dreaded GC and torture the sales staff into getting out come cases for me to evaluate and see what shape fits the best.  Then of course I will leave and buy it online from someone else  :evil4:
Thanks again...
DangerousR6 said:
No it's not an Eastwood, it's from Guitar Fetish and it's ostrich skin. Faux ostrich I'd imagine, it's only 74 ostrich eggs... :toothy10:

I have one of those. Nice piece. Especially nice considering the price. I've been putting my L5S in it, but it's a bit loose for that. Beats the snot out of nothing, though. There's really no such thing as an L5S case unless you originally bought an L5S from Gibson 100 years ago when they were making them.