
Showcase body from a few years ago I almost bought....should have....

Gregg said:
OK, so I have one other weird idea for an LP Carved Top. You know the Buck Owens Teles we've done with the 3 piece tops....Dyed Red, Clear and Blue? What about a Flame Maple top LP Carved Top done that way?

I like your LP idea...but what what about a RED/WHITE/BLUE burst instead!!!!!  You could play with the order of the colors to see what looks best.  Where is MAX with the photoshop when you need him!  I also partial to quilt maple...heck...do both and sell them dirt cheap! :hello2:
Gregg said:
OK, so I have one other weird idea for an LP Carved Top. You know the Buck Owens Teles we've done with the 3 piece tops....Dyed Red, Clear and Blue? What about a Flame Maple top LP Carved Top done that way?

You really need to get over the Buck Owens fetish thing....
Gregg said:
OK, so I have one other weird idea for an LP Carved Top. You know the Buck Owens Teles we've done with the 3 piece tops....Dyed Red, Clear and Blue? What about a Flame Maple top LP Carved Top done that way?

I guess it woudl be OK, but you have to dress up like this to play it:

jackthehack said:
Gregg said:
OK, so I have one other weird idea for an LP Carved Top. You know the Buck Owens Teles we've done with the 3 piece tops....Dyed Red, Clear and Blue? What about a Flame Maple top LP Carved Top done that way?

You really need to get over the Buck Owens fetish thing....
Hey. Must be all that Hee Haw my Dad was watching when I was growing up. It's also a 70's kind of thing that I am partial to. I was too young to play much music during that era but I would have like to had been in it.  And dressing more like Jimmy Page I'm thinkin....ha...
Gregg said:
OK, so I have one other weird idea for an LP Carved Top. You know the Buck Owens Teles we've done with the 3 piece tops....Dyed Red, Clear and Blue? What about a Flame Maple top LP Carved Top done that way?

"You Sir - yes you - step away from the workbench and put that spray gun down now! S....l.....o....w....l..y"

Just No, Gregg, No.
Gregg said:
OK, so I have one other weird idea for an LP Carved Top. You know the Buck Owens Teles we've done with the 3 piece tops....Dyed Red, Clear and Blue? What about a Flame Maple top LP Carved Top done that way?
I say go for it, nuthin wrong with the Buck Owens and the Buckaroo's... :icon_thumright:

I say dew et in Lacewood....That wood Rock.... :headbang1:
I admit a certain fascination with those Buck Owens guitars.  But I like the idea for a red/white/blue burst too.  Maybe Warmoth should make a few of each.
Or, maybe they should have a pie-eating contest and let the contestants puke on a few bodies, let those cure in the hot summer sun, and see if anybody would prefer those over a Buck Owens paint scheme. I'll bet they'd be more popular. I know that's what I'd rather have <grin>
I am still hung op on thie red-white-blue burst.  If it was done with a washed look it could be cool.  Gregg...ever thought of taking a flame maple cap but orientating the stripes top to bottom instead of left to right?

if you built it...they will come.
Cagey said:
Or, maybe they should have a pie-eating contest and let the contestants puke on a few bodies, let those cure in the hot summer sun, and see if anybody would prefer those over a Buck Owens paint scheme. I'll bet they'd be more popular. I know that's what I'd rather have <grin>
Pretty sure that's how the Mary Kay finish got made.
Gregg said:
Maybe a finish over a more artsy graphic wrap to lessen the Buck Owens effect?

Or, maybe just a finish. Leave the artsy graphics to the hippies, and the Buck Owens effect to the hillbillies.
That color combo is horrible...unless you're trying to be a throwback to the 70s, and plan on shredding out some Bee Gees.

IMO, you most certainly made the right decision by walking away from that one.  Cool design, horrid color combo.