
Should SGs have the 720 mod?


Junior Member
If I understand it correctly, the 720 mod makes the fretboard flush with the body for guitars without pickguards. It looks like the SG's pickguard that W makes doesn't actually go under the fretboard at all. Is it safe to say you would have this gap for an SG even if you had a pickguard?

I'd like to get my body from the showcase, but it looks like none of them have the 720 mod.

Related, does W make SG style pickguards that are like more modern SGs? Like the 3 guitars on the right: http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/j/a/jad5139/gibson_sg_std.jpg. Those appear to go behind the fretboard, so the 720 mod wouldn't be necessary.
You can't really tell what the pickguards are doing by those pictures. Besides, Gibson SGs have a set neck while Warmoth's SG bodies use bolt-on necks, so you're not comparing apples to apples. In any event, if there's any neck pocket adjustment needed, it gets added based on how you have them drill/route for the bridge/tailpiece.
True, it is a little difficult to tell what's going on in those gibson photos. But the SG pickguard that Warmoth makes definitely looks like it doesn't fill the fingerboard gap to me.

I'm pretty sure Warmoth only cuts the small SG pickguard, but you can always call and ask.

I don't think they do the 720 mod with the TOM or 510 bridge though, because of the angled neck pocket. The end of the fretboard couldn't sit flush to the body because the neck and body wouldn't be coplanar.

I have a Gibson SG with the larger pickguard and it doesn't go under the fretboard. The top of the pickguard butts up to where the fretboard ends.

If you look closely at Gibson's small guard SGs, there's a little plastic plate above the neck humbucker to cover up the guts of the set neck joint (and to write your name on. :icon_biggrin: )

Like Cagey said, Warmoth's SGs use bolt-on necks so they aren't going to be the same as Gibson's SGs (they could be better, it's up to the builder. :glasses10: )
I see. Yep, it looks like the 720 mod isn't an option then. So I guess that the only way to get rid of the gap is to custom make a pickguard that fills in the gap, yeah?

Thanks for the info.

How noticeable would the gap really be? I'm not super picky. My primary goal for this guitar is playability. Would it make much of a difference? Is the gap made worse by an angled neck pocket?
"Bodies that already require an angled neck pocket because of being a carved top or because of a particular bridge choice are NOT eligible for this additional modification."

From the website, so if your bridge type that requires an angled neck pocket, it's not even an option.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I would like to get a body from the showcase, but I am worried that the angled pocket will only accentuate the problem. I'm wondering if it's better instead to go for a recessed route so I can get the 720 mod and rest at ease. Maybe I'm overthinking this or worrying too much?
I'm unaware of any SGs with the 720 mod.  If you are only interested in showcase bodies, I don't know if they will add the mod to a finished body. 

And no, you're not overthinking.  Details like this are why we go the custom route.
This issue goes away if I custom create a pickguard that will slip under the gap. It might be neat to try that anyways....

I wish there were a way to tell if I would notice a difference in feel. Is there a noticeable difference?
Wait, so If I put a Gotoh 510 on my Iceman I would have to put up with a fretboard gap?

that seems full of fail.
The neck/body angle is necessary for proper string action because of the taller bridge.

Take a look at the fingerboard gap on a violin, viola, cello, or double bass... and those instruments are all full of win.
I've decided to not worry about this one so much. I am going to ask about whether I can get a modern SG pickguard, but I think that's unlikely.

If the gap me aesthetically, maybe someday I'll custom make a pickguard to fit underneath it.

I guess you're right. and also... If I do some crazy artwork, decoupage on the face of the guitar, like I'm planning... that gap may turn into a GREAT idea, once the thick top finish is on.
LOL no not fill it!

but enough that without it, the finish may push upon the flush fretboard...

this gap still bothers me... though...
Thanks for all of the help everyone. I've made my order and now I'll have to wait patiently.

It's going to be a vintage white SG with a black pearl pickguard, rosewood/ebony neck with matching veneer. It should look (and sound) pretty slick!
