
SG-X first build

How about the new SG Diablo.... :icon_scratch:
Max said:
DangerousR6 said:
Go for the SG-GT look, this is pretty kewl....
I like the metallic blue and white version of that.

And I still want to see an SG special with crushed steel on top, natural on back. Creme and nickel for the hardware.

Those remind me of the "Corvette" Les Pauls that Gibson did awhile back.  F'ugly.  I'd heard somewhere that the Strat was futuristic when released, in step with tailfins on a car.
kreig said:

yea, tailfins.

I knew the guy that made those. Rick Excellente. American Showster. Had a shop in maplewood NJ where I grew up. He slapped together a POS guitar that I later had modified into something I could actually play. He slapped a (fake) Lawrence pickup into it that I still have and intend to use again some day.
Jasonn said:
i never mentioned earlier that i am building this for my high school senior project.  so that gives you an idea about my age and means i cant have the greatest amount of experience, i know a lot about all of the stuff im going to be doing already just want more information and others opinions before it all starts.
I hope on doing that too :P If nothing else, it's an excuse to get another guitar, maybe even have my parents pay for part of it. Education can be fun!
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
my senior project was to graduate.
I built a bass from scratch in wood shop as my senior project, still have it to this day... :guitarplayer2:
My senior project was to see how many days I could skip before my folks found out.  Stay in school kids, you don't want to end up like me.
So i was to late to have warmoth route the neck position.

the neck and body should be here tomorrow.

got the body friday and posted the pictures in the just out of the box section

but i figured i should keep this one going.

is that picture right
i dont know if it was intentional or something they didnt catch or what.

please help.
Looks right... remember that all warmoths are build under the Fender way of neck construction... :icon_thumright:
alright if its supposed to be like that then i'll leave it i guess.

but the black one you posted was pretty nice i never thought about finishing it in black. 

i was going to get the daphine blue color off of reranch but now that you showed me the black idk if im still going to.

and yeah i know the pots arent drilled in the right spot im fine with that and they added a toggle switch which messed it up but i didnt care enough to have them rebuild it.
If you're doing a solid finish you can dowel it pretty easily and redrill the controls the way you want.
i could dowel it myself if that was the case.

but idk if the control cavity on is big enough to do it i need to measure it and find on how the pick guard is going to fit first.