
SG Body Color?

What color should i paint my warmoth SG body?

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its a basswood body with no laminate top. its my first one so i didnt want to mess with a beautiful, expensive body.

and max, if its white thats exactly what i was thinking
sorry to bust in here but you should go for cream like on the SG custom. White's a little harsh on a guitar.

It don't need to do a crazy blinding alpine white, unless your doing black hardware for big contrast, but I find a sexy vintage white is really nice for an SG....

Basswood in THAT body design? Have fun with the neck dive...
Since it's basswood, here's what I think would look good.  I'm a fan of finishes where you can see the wood.  I'm even more of a fan of guitars where the wood itself is the decoration.

Have you thought about a burst like black-brown-yellow or brown-natural?  I think both of those would look good on a basswood sg, especially brown to natural.
You sure that's basswood?

Here's the basswood W's got...
Basswood has some grain to it but it doesn't really stand out. Maybe it could be enhanced?
Max said:
You sure that's basswood?

Here's the basswood W's got...

You're right!  The guy described as a basswood body, but the specs I found on the RG548 describe it as ash.  My bad.