
seymour duncan quarter pounder for tele bridge


Hero Member
any views on this?

i have heard that it is high output.

any particular humbucker which would match this on the neck?

i'm not particularly looking for "tele sounds". i am going for the traditional tele bridge only because i the ash tray bridge looks very cool! :-)

i'm looking for a nice bridge single coil and neck humbucker combination for blues, classic rock and hard rock.

appreciate the feedback.
If you aren't after a Tele bridge sound necessarily, you might consider a steel-poled "P90" type tele bridge pickup.  Fralin I believe makes them, as does Steven Kersting.  Somewhere between a P90 and a hot tele bridge pickup, should be nice for crunchy tones.

Here's one from Rio Grande:

If you are after clean twang, which from your comments it seems you might not be, you might skip them, and if you want a humbucker style humfree pickup, there are plenty of them available too that could fit in a single coil tele bridge.  I am a huge fan of the thicker single coil sound P90s tend to provide, particularly for the tones used in the styles you mentioned.

Good luck!
actually i would like a good humbucker and single coil combo - each of which i can use independently for appropriate songs.

say i can use the humbucker for cream solos and the single coil for hendrix solos. and maybe the middle position (hb + single coil or split coil from the hb + single coil)  for playing rhythm.

but since the single coil is going to be the lone single coil, i was wondering if maybe a stronger single coil might be better to use.

but i'm not necessarily looking for p90 sounds in the single coil.

rather something like the number 2 position in a strat - which is actually a combination of the neck and middle pickup.
Well, they have a "twangbucker" pickup and bridge, but its a bit costly and it does differ a bit in looks from the vintage tele bridge.  You could try the "little 59":


A former bandmate of mine had that in a strat.  You could switch it for split or parallel wiring, but as I recall it did a serviceable humbucker tone.  But rereading your post, when you said "good humbucker and single coil combo" it looks like you mean both pickups, not a combo in one pickup.  Gotcha there.

In which case I can't say much for or against the Quarter Pounder...I wasn't a huge fan of a P-bass QP pickup, but that doesn't translate well to guitar.  It depends how vital it is for you to match outputs between the neck and bridge...assuming medium output PAF in the neck (nothing high gain) there are no end of overwound tele bridge pickups out there, some for cheaper, some for high dollar.  I have a blues special Fralin I like paired with a neck P90 that balances well, but the neck is underwound to compensate, and it has what I consider fairly classic tele tone, and you mentioned not being concerned with that.  If you are on a budget and like noiseless, try Bill Lawrence's wildepickups.com, the L-290TL-E or L-298TL might fit the bill for you (at around $50).

But I don't think you'll be able to get a good "no 2" strat tone without sticking another middle pickup in there!  :D 
Hey vtpcnk, just out of curiosity - you start about 5 new threads every day with specific questions about telecasters but never say why you're asking. Are you actually building something, or just picking everyone's brains for fun?  :toothy12:
>Hey vtpcnk, just out of curiosity - you start about 5 new threads every day with specific questions about telecasters but never say why you're >asking. Are you actually building something, or just picking everyone's brains for fun? 

if even according to you i am asking "specific" questions why would you think it isn't purposeful?

i've already placed the order for the body and neck with warmoth. will do the same for the hardware soon. but still looking at the array of options for the pickups - and there seem to be a lot.

and i have atleast another 4 weeks before the body and neck arrive. and more weeks before i finish them.

by nature i'm neither hasty nor prone to make quick decisions. i like to look at all options, evaluate them and find something to my satisfaction ... so ...