I really like my RP250, which has the same basic chips and tone & effects, just a few less. You can turn OFF the amp modeling and just used it for the excellent reverb, delays, chorus, EQ.... one thing I like about a modeler is being able to dial in just enough chorus (or pingpong delay, or stereo flange) to stereo-tize your output. I use a SWR SM-500 with two Black Widow cabs, 250 watts each. TWO amps are fun, too.... With an ordinary chorus, it's either full-on Andy Summers 80's swish, or off. "Speed" & "depth" are NOT the same as a level percentage control, in fact I find it hard to use regular stomps now that don't let you control the proportion of un-processed tone going through. I have the RP, and a Boss VF-1for when I want to get all techy and menu-y. I sold my PODs because the Digitech & Boss are more musical.