Self-Teaching Guitar


Hello all,

While I've been playing music (mostly bass) for many years, I am still relatively new to guitar.  I took a few lessons from a very cool older gentlemen in my neighborhood, but for the most part I'm self taught.  I'd consider myself to be an intermediate player at this point, and I'm really looking for a way to take my playing to the next level.  Someone suggest and I checked it out... it looks pretty cool to me, there's just not that much information on the site.  Has anyone heard of this?  Any thoughts about it?
I've never used that site, but I started when I was 6 and I had a book that taught me the names of the strings, and how to find a note on your fretboard, etc. and it dove into scales and the base chord shapes. I used that book for a few years to learn it inside and out, and then later on I would play along to songs with my uncle, learning to play by ear. I was basically self taught, and that got me pretty far. the rest is really just practice. watching tv? do an A minor pentatonic scale. Waiting for the toaster to pop? Practice your alternate picking.
Use a metronome always. If you want to play a song that's fast, slow it down and master that first, then slowly build up the tempo.

This may seem obvious, but It's how I learned, and it's effective.
Guitar World also has great lessons in their magazines and online.

Whether you take this advice or not, it is a good way to improve your technique.

I don't have any knowledge of the listed site.

But take a look at the following :-

They all have various lessons, or subscription programmes. A fairly broad range of styles to pick from.  Some have lessons from well known artists.

Two of them you could even do a degree online with if you have the time but of course they will tend to cost a little more.

There's also lots of other sites for different styles from individuals that focus on a particular style. But without knowing what type of thing you want to learn it would be difficult to suggest any.

If you're more into acoustic stuff, Peghead Nation's got some good stuff, and pre-fab as well as one-on-one lessons with some amazing players and teacehrs.

Disclosure:  My very good friend and former instructor, Stevie Coyle (also owner of Mighty Fine Guitars in Lafayette, CA), is one of the brains behind that site.  But I wouldn't scratch my buddy's back if his stuff wasn't up to par.
I would recommend at least monthly sessions with a guitar teacher or at least sessions with an experienced player who can critique your technique. Nothing wrong with self/internet/video/book/whatever teaching but it can lead to bad habits that can be a pain in the shorts to get rid off later on.