
Saying goodby to two old friends


Epic Member
Well, tomorrow I'm going to consign out my last two rickenbackers at a local shop.

The first is my Rick 360/12 in jetglow.  A stunning guitar, but one that I just don't play much anymore (especially since I finished the XII)

The second is my Rick 620 in fireglow.  I've owned and gigged with this guitar for about 18 years, and it was my first real professional grade instrument.  Recorded two albums with it, and did I don't know how many shows.  The neck has been re-fretted three times.  Have not really played it since getting the W telecasters.

Sad to see these guitars go, but ultimately they are just tools - and If I'm not using them, it's time for someone else to enjoy them. :icon_thumright:
mayfly said:
The second is my Rick 620 in fireglow.  I've owned and gigged with this guitar for about 18 years, and it was my first real professional grade instrument.  Recorded two albums with it, and did I don't know how many shows.  The neck has been re-fretted three times.  Have not really played it since getting the W telecasters.
Sounds like that one would have plenty of personal value. Shame you're selling it.
Just tools, my arse!  

Atleast save the 620.  In another 20 years, it will be almost 40 years old.  With a young son, who may one day play, an old guitar from their dad would be the coolest.  Put in the case under a bed and forget about it, for their sake.
After trading two tweed Gibson Amps for a Ric 360 in about 1988, I kick myself every day for letting those amps go.  The Ric is gone now too, and I miss that, but not as much as those amps.

I could go on and on about classic guitars I've let pass through my hands.  They each hurt in some way.  But you never really know how much it will hurt till after the fact.  Some just don't hurt as much, but some really hurt.

Unless you really really need the cash, please consider keeping one or both.  I have now instituted a policy of never selling another guitar.

I admire your stoicism if you really look at your guitars as tools.
Trev, mate, keep at least the 620........ You owe that to yourself.  :sad:

I've leta  couple fo guitars go - out of necessity of the time - and it hurt. Particulaarly the Gibson Firebird. Brand new when I bought in 1992, sold it 1997 with barely a scratch on it. Had to sell it because of a huge tax bill.... and I still miss that one.

The one other I sold was an old Ricky 1997 model. I had it for about 10 years but never got to play it much. Very one sounded. Sold it to a pro muso ina top Aussie band and kinda pleaseed it made it's way to a good home ( I think it also featured on a song that was on the charts at one stage... sounded very much like my old Ricky), but I was done with the Ricky, whereas the Firebird I still wanted to keep.

If you have kids keep it for them Trev. Lots of mojo gone into it by now....