
Sanding back and refinishing mahogany, exposed grain in a few spots?



I have a Warmoth body that got a bit marked up over the years, it has a mahogany body and a koa top, back finished with paint on the back and the top lacquered.

I wanted to remove the current marked up finish and perhaps re-stain / paint and lacquer again, unfortunately it had some nasty dings and scratches that really couldn't be repaired.

For the most park the paint and lacquer sanded off pretty easily (not that easily but still, not too crazy) but there are a couple of spots that evidently I went too far?

It appears that there's bare wood and then really bare wood and in those few spots the wood is noticeably lighter and there is some exposed grain.

Now I'm assuming that the body has some kind of grain filler / sealer which is also semi tinted?

How to I now get the body so it's the same all over and ready to refinish? Do I have to sand through the grain filler everywhere (it's in there pretty deep), or can I apply some new tinted filler over the top, sand back and go from there?

Such a noob, thanks and sorry.



Okay, it looks to me like you won't need to grain fill but the bare spots could probably do with covering with a little sealer.

I am not sure how you plan to refinish the top but it may be worth sanding it so you end up with the rest of the top more uniform with the bare spots.

What type of finish are you aiming for. Do you plan to spray a lacquer or use a wipe on oil type finish?

In any event preparation is key, and there are no short steps to a good finish.

Is that what has been sanded off, sealer? OK wow, a lot more sanding to go then lol.

Would you be able to recommend a good sealer I could use?

I plan to oil finish.

newb_builder said:
Is that what has been sanded off, sealer? OK wow, a lot more sanding to go then lol.

Would you be able to recommend a good sealer I could use?

I plan to oil finish.


You don't need to sand out the grain filler. Just sand it uniformly. For a sealer you could look at Birchwood Casey Sealer and Filler and then there tru oil product or look at Danish Oil.

Whatever you use each product needs to be compatible with the other.
  Hello Newb_builder I wanted to check in and see how your refinishing came out. I have been contemplating ordering a Mahogany Strat with a Koa top and then finishing it myself with a tru oil finish. So how did it work out for you? Do you have single coils or humbuckers in that guitar? How do like the tone with the Koa top?  Thanks