
Sanded through Vintage Tint


I applied a decal to my Vintage Gloss finished neck and like a newb I sanded through the finish on the lower edge. I was using 1000 grit wet sand between coats of clear. I guess I figured it was such a fine grit I didn’t have much too worry about and messed up. So any one know of any rattle cans that would match up with their vintage gloss so I could give it a few coats with that? Or any other suggestions are greatly appreciated


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I wonder if anyone would know the “mix” to match Warmoths Vintage tint instead of having to buy a bunch of different colours that I’ll probably never use.
On a positive note, the decal looks like you did an amazing job.  IF you sanded down to the bare wood, how much does it darken with naphtha?  Is it still very visible?  That VINTAGE does not look super dark.

I have used stewmac color tone liquid dyes with great success.  Just a drop of AMBER in some alcohol should do the trick.  You can layer it till it matches.
Not positive if I sanded right down to the bare wood. But I didn’t even notice right away and sprayed some clear on it and noticed the next day (or possibly days later) so I’m not sure how much clear is actually on it. Guess I should have stated that. At first I thought it was just glare until I moved the neck around and it didn’t change  :doh:

And thanks for the comment on the decal. It was definitely coming along till I noticed the sanding issue.

So for the tint I’m guessing I’d need to sand that spot back down to bare wood then apply? Not just do it on the clear.
I second that. Good job burying that decal.  I wouldn't be surprised if you just cleared it and it disappeared.
Or you could wait 10 years for the wood to darken up and it wouldn't matter.