Sad news today: Biz Markie


Epic Member
Just a friend
Sad news. He was not very old.  This is one of my favorites:
so, so tragic :(

around six years ago or so i got to see him live and it was fantastic, but that afternoon i had stuffed crust pizza. eating that and seeing The Biz (what i liked to call Biz Markie) were both on my bucket list (list of things you do before u die) so when I finally had the opportunity to get my own SC pizza I jumped on it! when they brought it to the table I bit into the crust and got something hard so i spit it out. It was a gold tooth (whole tooth). i called the manager over and thanked him for putting such a cool prize in the pizza. getting a gold tooth to replace one of my teeth was also on my bucket list so I crossed off 3 in 1 day!

i was able high5 Biz as he left the stage but I was so befuddled (that means fuddled but twice as much) that I forgot get his autograph. It remains one of my biggest #regrets
My favorite Biz Markie ... for those who've walked home wearing old sneakers and it started snowing.
