I do not think there is a right way to go relics. I hate the guys taking razor blades to $4000 Gibsons to emulate checking. However, I do appreciate the relic process to a point.
Here is my attempt. I sprayed a simple burst on a Les Paul jr. (Precision) Please ignore the logo :laughing8: with my choice of color it is obvious this is not meant to passed off as a real Gib$0n. I then only sprayed 2 coats of clear. I played for a bit and took note of where my hands, strap and arm hit. Then out came the steel wool. I figured less this more here. The finish is so thin it will wear quickly. Next step is to distress the hardware a bit.
I put a few nicks on the back and called it a day.
Funny thing is I had a guy at a guitar show offer me over $1000 for it. I pointed out the color, my own serial number, as well as the gold frets....he did not care. I guess I should have took the cash and run!