
Routing Madness - WARNING! WOOD ABUSE!


Junior Member
OK, a serious WTF????? here from me:


That hurts my head.
Ugh! :sad:

It's not difficult to use a routing template. In the hands of an amateur, the worst that will happen is there would be burns and tearouts, but this is unacceptable.
Yeah I saw this the other day and almost crapped myself. Like seriously, 5A maple top? Your kidding right?

Couldn't even fool a 5 year old.
Cagey said:
That's too bad. That had to have been a nice body at one time.

It probably was a serviceable body at some point, but if you look closely, you can see the offender built up the forearm contour and then glued on a maple veneer - and then brutalized it.  It probably was never anything better or more interesting than an ordinary alder strat body, with or without routing.  Now it's firewood.
Bagman67 said:
Cagey said:
That's too bad. That had to have been a nice body at one time.

It probably was a serviceable body at some point, but if you look closely, you can see the offender built up the forearm contour and then glued on a maple veneer - and then brutalized it.  It probably was never anything better or more interesting than an ordinary alder strat body, with or without routing.  Now it's firewood.

Ah, that makes sense. I wondered what that one shot was, but only for a second since the whole thing's too far gone to do anything with. it is, as you say, firewood.
Max said:
This is VERY bad for warmoth's image.

Neck pocket's been chewed on quite a bit; it may not even be a Warmoth body. No identifying marks are left, at least none I can see.

Did you see where he said he paid $400 for the top alone? Either his memory's shot, or somebody made a whole lotta money off him.
STDC - I STRONGLY DISAGREE - The Black-White-Black *must* fit it. The dude said it would.

Now I have a Paisley one - no way that would fit. :evil4:
Cagey said:
Did you see where he said he paid $400 for the top alone? Either his memory's shot, or somebody made a whole lotta money off him.

Yeah, and that top really isn't even all that impressive.
I can get a SPECTACULAR 5A Flamed Maple top for under $100, and I'm looking at a wood dealer's website right now, that has over 500 Maple tops, most in the $40-$50 range.
Maple isn't anything special, even the fancy stuff is in abundant supply.
only three things to do with this body
1) sell it to some sucker on ebay like this clown is doing.
2) go for the 100% coverage pickguard
3) filll it and paint it solid.

I know if I woke up somehow with this body in my possession, I'd go for option #3 simply so I wouldnt be informing the world of my stupidity.
You forgot option 4: Take it out/down to the shop and run it across the table saw 2 or 3 times so it'll fit better in the wood stove or fireplace. That's where I'd be.