
Route depth for Suhr pickups



I've seen that the Standard and Vintage bodies have different route depths for the pickups and a different rout for the bridge as well?
I'm getting Suhr FL pickups and Gotoh 510TS-SF2 6-screw. Should I get a Standard or a Vintage body?

Unless you're one of the psychos who demands ancient designs full of flaws even in face of useful and sensible improvements, buy the standard. The chances that things won't work out are dramatically smaller. Vintage designs only have value on old instruments that are already built. You're buying a new body. There's nothing to be gained by reverting back to designs that have been shown to have shortcomings. They've made improvements over the years for good reasons.

The exception would be if there are cosmetic differences between the vintage and modern, such as on the telecasters they're selling now. But, you don't generally have hardware issues associated with that.

As far as the bridge goes, they'll route it pretty much however you want, within certain limitations. When you look in the showcase or go through the builder, they'll either tell you what the body is routed for or give you a list of choices to pick from. Most options there have their cost built into the price of the body, so there's no adder.