Putting them in parallel (spauldingrules suggestion) is a clever idea any may work for you depending how
your own tonal preferences go - just remember that parallel isn't as strong output-wise as series (standard).
But as you've already seen there are at least 2 examples of dudes here using a wenge neck
with ebony fretboard; this is a relatively bright combination.
Wenge is:
Ebony is:
Your neck looks to be Brazillian Rosewood (correct me if I'm wrong):
If it's Indian Rosewood, even darker:
Next excerpt isn't directed at you specifically, but to the board in general:
Warmoth has tone charts for both neck and body woods for a reason. While they
obviously aren't exact/scientific, they do serve as guidelines so you have an idea
of what the resultant tone of your guitar will be.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen peeps here just pick out woods solely
based on how they *look*/*feel* - and brush aside any thought as to what said woods
will *sound* like. Don't fall for this incorrect board "meme" parroted around here.
While having a killer good-looking guitar is certainly near the top of the priority
list, having good looks when it sounds like ass is a complete waste. It would
be akin to having a really hot girlfriend who talks like Harvey Fierstein.
Ultimately one has to balance the guitar woods with the pickups... and even
then you must go further down the chain and balance the entire guitar with
your amp... and don't forget the speaker.