
Right handed guitar strung left handed


Senior Member
does anybody play a right handed guitar strung left handed? No results come up on a google search. So I guess it's pretty unusual, if not non-existent.
Velcro said:
does anybody play a right handed guitar strung left handed? No results come up on a google search. So I guess it's pretty unusual, if not non-existent.
There's several that play right handed guitar strung right handed left handed....Doyle Bramhall Jr. comes to mind first.... :dontknow:
Right handed guitar strung lefthanded:  Jimi Hendrix

A left handed guitar strung righthanded and played lefthanded:  Dick Dale, Albert King, Doyle Bramhall II, Rusty Burns

A left handed guitar strung and played lefthanded:  Curt Cobain, Superlizard, and Big Beard
COCO MONTOYA  Made my head hurt to watch him play but what a great player. right handed gutiar strung right handed
TRG said:
COCO MONTOYA  Made my head hurt to watch him play but what a great player. right handed gutiar strung right handed
He plays a left handed guitar strung right handed and played left handed...
The guys that play right handed guitars, strung right handed, but played left handed just amaze me.
I meant people that play a right handed guitar righthanded but with the strings strung heaviest at the bottom.
Velcro said:
I meant people that play a right handed guitar righthanded but with the strings strung heaviest at the bottom.
It's usually left handed people that play that way, I don't know of any right handed guitarists that play right handed and strung left handed...
Doyle Bramhall II was who I thought of too. I remember watching some Clapton concert video and thinking, "that left handed guitarist must have grown up playing right handed guitars upside down and now strings his proper lefty guitars upside down. also, why is he taking so many leads? this is supposed to be an Eric Clapton concert."
When I was 8 my father got me a guitar and sent me to lessons, it took about 5 minutes before the teacher took the guitar out of my hands and strung it upside down and set it in my hands left handed strung for a lefty. I played that way till I was in my mid thirties and laid a circular saw across my thumb and had to have it re attached. So about 2 years later when I decided to try playing again I took my 3 guitars and restrung them right handed and started to relearn how to play. The problem is I heard everything lefty and had to translate. I then took the advice of one of my  teachers and turned off the lights and started to play the songs I knew by heart, no sight, just sound. Well I now play right handed finger style. I do not have the speed I had in the 90s hair metal  days, but I can still keep my place up in a lineup. I think that switching to finger style has actually improved my playing and brought out a style I always loved to play, plus I have tripled my chord vocabulary being able to use triads while knocking out lead lines.
I think playing strung upside down is because someone never taught them different, I could have done it when I switched, but knew better.
those 2 left handed guitars, well 2 I have offed to collectors who paid me around 10 times what I paid for them and I am now about to replace the Tele, so I guess I am looking for someone to off it on.
Biggus Pickus said:
this is supposed to be an Eric Clapton concert."

Not any Clapton concert I've been to lately.... so boring I literally fell fast asleep.  He came on, played some BS....sent me to sleep... I woke up in an acoustic Layla rendition... said to myself... oh.. and Zzzzzz again.  I got back awake on his finale with Crossroads, done most half heartedly, no soul.  It was by the numbers boring.
=CB= said:
Biggus Pickus said:
this is supposed to be an Eric Clapton concert."

Not any Clapton concert I've been to lately.... so boring I literally fell fast asleep.  He came on, played some BS....sent me to sleep... I woke up in an acoustic Layla rendition... said to myself... oh.. and Zzzzzz again.  I got back awake on his finale with Crossroads, done most half heartedly, no soul.  It was by the numbers boring.
I never though clapton was all that great anyway, he's always been booooooring.....