Ahh, it warms the heartles of m... no, wait....
Ahem. It warms the cockles of me heart to see a young'un figure out that if something isn't doing what you want, CHANGE something and it very well may. Do what you want that is. When you figure that you have X number of pickup types times Y number of neck woods time Z number of frets and ... AA? number of wiring schemes by BB number of speaker types times CC Rider and the thousand cable tone wars and... nnn... nnn....
Far spookier when the young'uns say "This is my first Warmoth and it's absolutely the Greatest guitar I've ever and I'll never" etc. & so on, and the tribal elders just murmur and twitch and the accounting dept. at Warmoth perks up and with the slightest flick of the (accounting) wrist - SETS THE HOOK. And all is well as each guitar gets better or at least slithers a bit sideways into the parallel universes and then the inexplicable happens - all your gained knowledge, zoopy wood and shamelessly brazen pickups lay... a turd. Instead of an egg. And you scratch your head and go "Duh?" and tweeze this and twiddle that and all is well again. Yeah!
There is a very fine & high science used by the casino folks who's daily, even minute-by-minute job is setting the win/loss ratio of all the "slot" machines in large casinos. They have a constant computer read-out of all the activity in a room with say, 150 machines in it and if there's a marked slowdown they have the ability to POP! IT'S A WINNER! Yeah yeah yeah, so plop down the mortgage, Gramps, "the" luck is changing! I believe that the actual recipients of the changed odds still has to be randomized*, they just can't play favorites (?) but you can be damn sure that the gaming regulatory agencies knows why their jobs exist, and it ain't to shut 'em down.... and the WINNERS! BELLS WHISTLES YAY YAY! also can't be
too regular, or peeps, with all their great wisdom and schemes, would just stop betting during the periods that they "know" aren't winning times... :icon_scratch:
And usly, in all our infinite wisdom, are really in the same boat, though Warmoth/Fender/Ibbys and Yammies and all don't have to construct such a regulated overview, as we are entirely capable, by our own li'l selfs (Bless the internet!) of self-programming all the necessary tidbits: and yes, the trees are in on it too.
*(heaven hep us all...)